Christian Counseling

Whether we are seeking guidance from a pastor, friend, parent, or professional, how do we know that their advice is trustworthy? When it comes to problems of the heart and relationships, the Bible must be the standard by which we recognize good counsel. God places a priority on dealing with the internal roots of our problems so that the observable fruit of our lives can also be pleasing to Him. Even Jesus indicated that good counsel must not only address behavior but also issues of the heart.

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Making Choices That Will Transform Your Marriage

Marriage is hard. It requires work. And sometimes all of that hard work can feel as if it’s getting you nowhere. If you’ve settled for “good enough” in your marriage, if you feel hopeless, if you want to give up, or even if you’ve already quit trying, take heart.

Level: Basic Number of Lessons: 5 Avg. Length: 10 Min.

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SoulCare Foundations I: The Basic Model

This course is designed to help you enter people’s interior lives at a meaningful level and make a lasting difference as they deal with life’s struggles and crises. Some people call this type of help “counseling.” Others call this help “pastoring.” And perhaps others think of this kind of involvement as what one friend does for another friend.

Level: Intermediate Number of Lessons: 10 Avg. Length: 27 Min.

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SoulCare Foundations III: Provisions And Practices

Welcome to SoulCare Foundations III: Provisions and Practices. In this third course in the four-course SoulCare series, Dr. Larry Crabb probes the provisions of the New Covenant that, when understood, will empower, enable, and liberate the SoulCarer to move into the life of another and make a difference.

Level: Intermediate Number of Lessons: 10 Avg. Length: 27 Min.

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SoulCare Foundations IV: Community-Where SoulCare Happens

In this fourth course in the SoulCare series, Dr. Larry Crabb suggests ways in which SoulCare can become a reality in your life. What does it mean to join someone else where they are and walk with them on the journey to the center of their heart?

Level: Intermediate Number of Lessons: 10 Avg. Length: 28 Min.

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Ministering to People in Pain

All of us experience pain in different ways at different times in our lives. For most of us, pain is a common experience that we don’t want.

Level: Intermediate Number of Lessons: 10 Avg. Length: 18 Min.

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