Do you feel you understand a biblical worldview of redemption? Why is it important for you to do so?

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    • #95322076

      Yes. We need to understand that we’re all sinners and have fallen. We need to treat our students as we God treats us.

    • #95320297

      I do feel I understand a biblical worldview of redemption. The Bible tells us “ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God…” If we all sin, then we are in need of redemption by one who has already paid the price for every sin I would ever commit. He did that all in exchange for a personal relationship with him, His original purpose in creation – communion and relationship. If Jesus can do that for me, I should be able to do that for my students. Being forgiven and redeemed doesn’t mean we will never make a mistake, it just reminds us of the whole reason we needed a savior in the first place and allows us to grow in our relationship with God. When we offer our students love, mercy, grace and forgiveness, we become Jesus with skin on.

    • #95314047

      Yes. It is important because we need to understand where we were in order to appreciate our redemption.

    • #95309124

      I believe I do and am so thankful for such an understanding. The reason the understanding of redemption is important, is because it should color all of our actions, words, behaviors, etc. The fact that Christ died for me, knowing I’d continued to mess up even after salvation, is overwhelming (in a good way, of course) and should spur me on to show that same kind of love and mercy to my students, not because they deserve it, but because Christ did the same for a worm such as I. We may be the only Bible some of these kids will ever “read.” Our classroom may be the only place they’ve ever received genuine love and mercy, even in a Christian school! Let our words and actions be a beacon pointing back to Christ’s sacrificial love for them.

    • #95303874

      I believe I am beginning to understand it better. It’s important because it deals with the entire scenario–student, teacher, and all other factors.

    • #95303287

      God came into this world and died for our sins so we are no longer condemned but have eternal life. As God has shown His love, mercy and grace for us, as His followers we must also shown the same towards our students.

    • #95301515

      Yes, the Christian faith is build on redemption. You have to recognize you are a sinner and trust in Christ’s redemption.

    • #95292079

      Yes, I feel I have a good understanding of a biblical worldview of redemption. It is important because as teachers we can model what a redemption looks like by how we act and how we interact with our students.

    • #95290239

      Christianity is based upon the forgiveness offered by Jesus Christ and, when showing fruit, the redemption of our lives via sanctification. I know redemption in my personal relationship with Christ.

    • #95289636

      Yes I understand the worldview of redemption. Jesus died for us and he saved us from the sin and evil.

    • #95286111

      I do believe that I have an understanding of a biblical worldview of redemption. Christ’s sacrifice on the cross made it possible for all of us to have redemption through His blood. It is important for me to understand this fully so that I can share it with my students and help to lead them to salvation through Jesus.

    • #95285439

      I understand biblical worldview of redemption. It is important because it teaches students about the characteristics of God and how to present them out in the world. It gives students a great idea of why God is praise worthy and why they should commit to Him.

    • #95284102

      I feel that I do believe the biblical worldview of redemption. Christ paid the price of my sin and the sins of all mankind, so we could be saved and have eternal life. Whomever believes in Him will have eternal life. Christ redeemed us.

    • #95283636

      Jesus paid for it all on the cross and rose again, so that I can just ask for forgiveness and ask Jesus into my heart. I do not have to earn points, merits, be good enough, etc. to earn my way into heaven.

    • #95282943

      Yes, I am redeemed through the Savior, Jesus Christ and by what he did for us. I believe it’s important to understand this from a biblical perspective because I have a responsibility to not just share this good news, but to demonstrate the redeeming qualities that Christ left for us. I want my students to know Christ, and as Dr. Black states… they are likely to view Him through the lens of how we treat them. Having a biblical worldview of redemption is necessary as a Christian school teacher, and it is also necessary to relate our lessons back to Him and his redeeming mercy & grace. It allows me to value them the way Christ values us and to see them the way Christ sees them.

    • #95282575

      I do feel that I understand a biblical worldview of redemption. I have experienced God’s grace many times in my life and it is a constant reminder of how I am to respond and react to others I do life with. It is important for me to understand this concept because it directly relates to how I interact with and care for my fellow co-workers and students. Everyone has value because God has declared that they do. Therefore I am to treat them as such.

    • #95281243

      I do not deserve the mercy and grace that God has extended to me. By showing these to my students I am modeling the gospel in my classroom.

    • #95281128

      Yes, I feel that I understand a biblical worldview of redemption. The entire reason for Christ coming to Earth was to redeem us from our sins. If there was no redemption, why keep trying? If you can not improve, why keep trying? We need to let our students know that there is a reason to keep trying, that they can get better, that they can be redeemed, regardless of what they were told previously.

    • #95280892

      Yes, I understand how it needs to impact all that we do each day. I am working to make that very clear to my staff.

    • #95280370

      For many years in my Christian life, I did not really understand redemption. I knew that Christ died for my sins, but I still felt as if my salvation depended on me and my life actions. Later, in Bible college, I began to understand that Christ paid it all. I love the lines for the song, “nothing in my hands I bring, only to the cross I cling.” This concept is of utmost importance. If I do not know about the full redemptive grace of Christ, I may confuse good living for a Christian life and I might pas that on to my students inadvertently. I want them to know that relationship with Christ is the most important thing in life and that He is our redeemer. Clinging to Him is what saves us.

    • #95280304

      I believe I do have a biblical worldview of redemption. It is important because the story of redemption is the gospel. Jesus making a way to the Father by being the sacrifice for us changes everything. None of us deserve heaven. It is important that I understand this doctrine well so I can help my students see their need for a savior. Christ’s example of grace and mercy not only humbles me but makes me desire to offer grace and mercy and share his redeeming love with students.

    • #95279521

      Many stories of the Bible, especially in the Old Testament, reveal a person living in a sinful way and God’s attempt to redeem them. God has redeemed me. God wants to redeem everyone of my students. I remember what I was like before I was redeemed, and much has changed in my heart and my actions. Do I teach differently knowing that I want to give God every opportunity to redeem each one of my students? Maybe I need to rethink that.

    • #95279488

      The dictionary gives us a definition of Redemption as “to gain or regain possession of something in exchange for payment”. In Hebrews 9:24, it tells that Christ appeared in the presence of God for us. Wow, what a thought, a beautiful picture of Christ standing in our place. Verse 28 of that same chapter states, “Christ was ONCE offered to bear the sins of many”. He REDEEMED us to the Father. Hallelujah! Without Christ, we stand before God stained in our sin nature. We could not enter into the presence of God, therefore being lost forever. But through Christ we are REDEEMED.

    • #95278382

      I feel that I have a Biblical worldview of redemption. Christ was born of a virgin, dwelt among us, suffered and died on the cross for my sins and rose again. I believe this and try to have an environment in my classroom that will draw students to Christ. I want redemption to impact my curriculum for God’s glory.

    • #95278194

      I feel that I do understand a biblical worldview of redemption. It is so important because it is the very thing that can help me model and point to Jesus. In doing so in a healthy, loving way, it models the character of Christ and what He has done for us on the cross.

    • #95277941

      I feel I understand the biblical worldview of redemption but really need more lesson about it to fully teach it to my students. I know that we have sinned and have been forgiven through the blood of Christ. We must understand our sin and ask for forgiveness for redemption. It is important for me to know and to understand this more to make sure I am speaking and teaching redemption correctly as there is enough wrong information and teachings going on in the world today.

    • #95277027

      Yes, I understand a Biblical worldview of redemption. I know that all have fallen short of the glory of God and are in need of forgiveness and atonement. It is vital that we understand our need of salvation and ask God to redeem us. To not understand redemption is to miss the whole point of Christ’s sacrifice.

    • #125798

      I feel that I understand a biblical worldview of redemption. I understand that we are all sinners. All sin is equal in God’s eyes. I know that I am redeemed by my belief in Christ. It is important I a do because I can portray that to my students.

    • #125280

      Yes, I do. I feel that without a biblical worldview of redemption legalism is a danger. The world can view christianity as very judgmental, and Christians can have an escapist attitude. The world is going to be judged, but we should not take pleasure in the idea of people being eternally condemned by God, no matter who it is. We should be able to see people where they are at by remembering our own redemption. None of us has earned this. We are all saved by the grace of an all loving. Who loved us in our lowest and darkest moments. We should offer the same grace and mercy we received to those around us.

    • #111844
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