Tagged: SF105-02
In the times of trials, God watches for those who trusts in Him… And makes a way for rescue.
What a mighty God we serve….
God was specific that the people have to follow His instructions. God directed His people and wanted that the Israelites to settle in the promised land.
God is a God of love and is always with us even though sometimes it does not always seem it. He is a loving God who keeps His promises.
He keeps his promises. Because all of His promises are Yes and Amen! Thank you Jesus!
What impressed me the most about the truth about God the depth of God’s love for us. Its hard for me to comprehend how many times he forgave us before he punished us. I don’t understand how he could be as patient as he was or even why he cared about us the way he did because compared to him we are insignificant.
He makes and keeps promises. God is a God who is trustworthy and true. He knows that his people need promises to hold on to, and He is faithful to those.
“He keeps His promises. ” How many people do we know who always keep their promises? Even our own parents don’t. Maybe they don’t realize it, but they forget something they promised to do. God does not and He never will. I know that I can always depend on any promise He has made.
He makes and keeps promises and has the right to interrupt history.
He is loving, kind, righteous, justice and anger. He is all things.
He has the power to interrupt history
God keep his promise and give direction to his people
He keeps His promises. This gives me the confidence that God can be trusted no matter the situation I experience, the truth that God keeps His promises keeps me going.
The he keeps his promises and gives us directions
When we step up and step out according to His word, he will be right there with us clearing obstacles out of our way.
He has the power to turn formidable obstacles into safe pathways. The reason this one impresses me the most is because a lot of mornings I wake up and feel sluggish and like I don’t want to study or praise God and be in communion with him and just want to go back to bed. This has been a bad habit for me for years. It has been an obstacle for me. But I have lately been reminding him of this promise to turn this obstacle into a pathway to remove the stones in my path to dust and to walk over them, or through them to start my day anyway whether I feel like it or not and I find when I do this I begin to feel closer to Him and want to spend time with Him and do my daily bible plans. For this I praise and thank Him.
The promises of God never change and are always true.
That he promises to be with those who follow Him. If we don’t know that He has our back in times of difficulty, what would be the point of faith and hope!
That he keeps his promises and he is listening and is there with us through every stage.
God is trustworthy and reliable. He does what He says. Those who believe, listen and follow Him with a clean heart receive God’s promises. He leads, directs and provides for His people.
I admire God’s ability to create the universe with words. Also, through Moses and Joshua, I was impressed by the faithful promise and fulfillment of God.
The truth that must impressed me was, “He rescues those who trust in Him.” Our God is loving, faithful, and merciful. For those who seek Him above all else and trust Him and ask for forgiveness in Jesus’ name, He is faithful to rescue.
The truth about God that impressed me the most is that He has the power to turn obstacles into safe pathways. The Israel people didn’t have it easy but God was with them every single step of the way to the promise land.
Gods patience is one of the things that is so impressive to me because patience is one of the things that is hard for me.
He is patient with sinners but His patience has limits. That impressed me because it shows me that He will not tolerate our disobedience for very long and our living any kind of way.
The fact that He is not just loving and kind; He is also a God of righteousness, justice, and anger. This attributes are so difficult for us that it is comforting to know God is there loving and guiding us all of the time, even when we are undeserving of that love.
God’s faithfulness, love and patience with us a rebel mankind. Still God is good to us, he always keeps His promises.
What impressed me the most was God makes AND keeps His promises. That is comforting to me in a world where so many promises are laid out before us but only a few are kept. God’s word never fails.
Seeing that God is faithful. Giving direction to those who follow His commands, punishing those who do not. Simply, God can do anything for those who obey.
The loving/forgiving nature of God. As many times as the Israelites fell away, he forgave them.
God keeps His promises. He will do what He says He will do.
He is a promise keeper!
That God is concerned about what is happening in “His World”, gives me hope. I never really think of the world as His world although he is the author creator and finisher.
All of them were impressive to me. They each reveal a side of God’s character that I can depend on. The one that most stands out in this season of my life would be how God is able to turn insurmountable obstacles into simple pathways. Of all that He is able to do I think this is what I am needing most right now.
He makes and keeps his promises. This truth about God gives me comfort because everything he says he will do, he does.
How God directed His people. It is an encouragement to me as He still directs us today.
God’s commitment!
The thing that impresses me the most is that God always gives his people direction. When you are lost, listen to your heart and God will guide you in the right direction. The thing is that you have to be willing to listen.
God always has a plan. He keeps his promises to his faithful followers. He is always close to us.
He keeps his promises. He can be trusted in all things
That God keeps His promises, despite our rebellion, disobedience and self-will.
This impressed me because I see in my own life how God has come through for me on so many occasions when I had turned my back on Him. He has been faithful, and His promise to never leave me nor forsake me has held true up to this day.
God’s power to control everything. With so much happening in the world we tend to forget that God allows good and bad things to happen.
My God is a faithful God. He cares us. He help us to reach Him.
He is always with us and for us. He redeems even the worst of us, if we allow.
I was most impressed by the fact that He makes His presence known. The world thinks He has disappeared, but the believer sees Him in everything.
I think I often forget that God is capable of writing history, rather than just working things as they happen for our good and His glory. He can forge into being what needs to be done, which can be a confusing when you think about the concept of free will versus His sovereignty as well as comforting.
God never fails! He keeps his promises. He is my guide today, tomorrow and always
He supports His appointed leaders. I did a lesson on ODB about leaders through the lessons of the Kings of the Bible. This type of truth about God was taught about but I enjoy seeing the reaffirmation of this statement here. I know God has a greater plan for me and I know there will be a time to come that I will step into my calling as one of his appointed leaders. I know the Lord will use me to spread his word and I have to trust that he will be with me, now and later. I am so grateful for a God that keeps his promises also, and that He wants nations to know of His might. I want this country to know of his might, power, and knowledge.
What impresses me most is that God is ALWAYS a God on mission with a purpose. In this section He is building a nations and in the events of Joshua He is demonstrating Who He is, proving His ability to protect, provide, and sustain them, and showing the world is is powerful and unstoppable. The rest of the Bible keeps building on this…God is on mission and everything He does and allows has a divine purpose that will lead to His desired outcome, the redemption of mankind from every people group creating a peoples to worship and praise Him and reveal His glory. God is on mission…always.
“He is the God of new beginnings” is the most impressive truth to me, because we all need a new beginning sometimes. The ability to wipe the slate clean and provide a fresh start is a gift that only God can truly provide to us.
God promised a land to His people. In spite of their sin and wandering through the wilderness, God fulfilled His promise. We can know God as One who fulfills His promises.
He keeps his promises / He promises to be with those who move forward with Him. – God promise is the only of the truths that are mentioned twice. God gives his promise and will keep it to us, although he understands we are still subject to our human imperfections. He will understand if we fail, but still keeps his promises to us so we may know forgiveness for our mistakes.
God is always faithful and never changing.
God’s forgiveness, provision, patience and love. If I had to pick one, it is God’s love for mankind. Always there for us with all those other attributes.
That he is faithful to the promises he makes. He wants us to trust him.
He wants His mighty works remembered and recounted to our children. This impressed us because we are new parents and want to leave a legacy of faith to our children. This is a great example of God’s commands being graceful in that they are good for us.
He Keeps his promises! The more I grow in Christ the more faithful I understand God to be. It more than impresses me, it teaches me his grace and mercy.
I not sure it’s one truth about God but more of the fact but God is God. He is in complete control of everything. And the fact that if we trust in him and are obedient he is on our side. That is a thought that is just too big for me to comprehend.
He has the power to turn formidable obstacles into safe pathways
That he can turn our obstacles into pathways and he wants us to recount what he’s done to our children.
He was always with his people, no matter how often they disappointed Him. He never turned His back on them, even though He did hold them accountable for their failings to follow his instructions.
How, being Almighty God, He has the power to control nature, yet He wants to be involved with His people. He encourages them, and directs them.
That God never gave up on people, even though they failed Him over and over again. This helps me remember that no one is ever too far gone, and God forgives always if we repent.
His patience is so evident. Israel sinned over and over, yet God did not disown them, or cast them out.
God doesn’t need to rely on one man. I think so often we can see in the Western Christian world, churches and ministries that are reliant on a few or one individual. But God doesn’t call us to that, he shows very clearly in the story of Joshua how as one leader’s journey ends he is ready to raise up another to take on that mantle. It is an amazing leadership lesson, in that we should be looking to give away the ministry to others. If our ministry is reliant on us, then it is bound to failed because it has stepped outside of being reliant on the model God lays out for us and in turn blesses through multiplication when we follow.
Seeing God’s patience stuck me the most. That paired with his foreknowledge and providence. The fact that God knew all these mistakes and actions would happen by man he continues to move with us.
He keeps His promises.
Over and over in my life I found this to be true. A simple example is that He promise to be with us and I see it in my every day life
GOd is patient with Sinners
God is make and keep his promises
It is refreshing to see all the promises and ways that God faithfully and consistently provides for us. He is with us, gives us wisdom and directions and helps us through adversity by promising He will always be with us. These promises are the anchor to our faith!
Gods faithfulness and patience. He saw his promises through despite the wickedness of man.
God keeps his promises. He never leaves you. He gives you the direction you need.
How faithful he is to his children. Even when we sin and doubt, he remains by us.
That God always fulfills His promises and that is bot comforting and encouraging.
What I see is that in our humanity is impossible to pleased God and he makes a way to bring us near by supplying what is needed. His patience is enduring.
The truth about God that impressed me the most was that He keeps His promises. In knowing this truth about Him, I am able to trust Him in everything.
1. He keeps his promises.
2. He is a God in control.
That He is with us very step of the way. Even though we make excuses He provides so much that we no longer have excuses but to obey. Even though so many disobeyed He was still willing to forgive and continue to guide us even step of the way. His love endures forever.
That God is forgiving because we all make mistakes. I know that is simplistic, but forgiveness is often in short supply in our world today (even in the church, unfortunately).
God’s consistency and grace when dealing with man. Throughout history God’s goodness and sovereignty rises whenever man fails. In short He will never give up on me. He will always be true to His words.
The part that impressed me most about this section is the planning involved by God and how our humanity is revealed in our responses throughout history. God always makes and keeps His promises.
I love that we see the constant God–keeps His promises, stays with His people, doesn’t change, is holy, forgiving, yet seeks justice. He never changes.
I think that the truth about God that He has the power to turn obstacles into pathways impressed me the most because that is powerful. God alone is able to take the obstacles that we face and turn them into pathways for us.
The fact that God keeps his promises brings so much hope, encouragement, and peace to me because I know he can be trusted.
He keeps his promises!
He keeps His promises. Even though the Israelite people continued to rebel against God and lapse into sin he still kept his promise to them when they repented.
The fear of the Lord is where all wisdom begins.
God’s sovereignty, is immaculate. He’s always in control, but let’ us make our own choices.
Most impressed with the truth that God isn’t just loving and kind, but also able to be angry and just. Gives a complete picture and helps us see that the God of the OT and NT are the same and haven’t changed.
He has complete control over His creation. The world seems completely out of control to us but our God is in complete control. His ways are higher than our ways. We don’t need to understand, only trust in Him.
He is a God to be feared. He is a loving God who offers us refuge in Himself FROM his own wrath.
God is faithful beyond measure.
I was impressed that much of God was revealed in the Old Testament when it seems like modern Christianity only enjoys the new.
How God never left His people without help
One thing that impresses me the most is the compassion of God with His creation when He can just start all over and make it perfect He did not. and this is just because of the love He has for us.
I am impressed by all the truths of God revealed in the pages of the Old Testament. It was in my time in the Old Testament that I came to realize that I knew about God, but did not know Him at all. It was in my time in the Old Testament that I wholly surrendered my life to Christ and committed my life to His service.
He supports His appointed leaders (3:7). Oftentimes, in leadership, and leadership within ministry, you can tend to feel alone/ on an island. You can start to doubt your calling and ability, but this is such a great reminder that God called us and He is the one who works through us. It has nothing to do with us mustering up enough “something” in order to continue leading. It’s relying on the God who created us for this moment.
He keeps His promises because we can know that he will keep them for us and that one of those promises is salvation through Christ.
The truth statement that stood out most was that God “has the power to turn formidable obstacles into safe pathways.” This stood out because it reminds me that no matter what is going on in the present situation, God has an end goal in mind and He’s solid in how everything will lead to His glory. In tough moments/circumstances, it is so difficult to see beyond what is directly in front of us or surrounding us, but we can trust that God is working things out for the good of His people and glory of His name (albeit sometimes perhaps a bit too patiently for our liking).
He keeps His promises. If we can trust God in this, it makes it that much easier to trust Him in other areas of life.
God’s faithfulness no matter what we do.
God has complete control over His creation.
This is great reminder that I am not in complete control of my circumstances, and I am right where God wants me to be.
He wants His mighty works remembered and recounted to our children
In today’s world the only way for children to hear about God is from the older generation. There is so much sin in the world and life is so Hectic that they just don’t get a chance to see God and who he is
He wants His mighty works to be remembered by his children.
God’s faithfulness is always amazing. Even when we are not faithful, God is faithful because he can not go against his nature.
God’s faithfulness.
This is a very difficult question to pick one, but I think God, “keeps His promises.” Knowing God only speaks truth, I know that if I am obedient to His will, I will be successful in how He uses me.
God’s steadfast love and mercy. From the fall of Adam and Eve, mankind has lived in rebellion to God. I used to always think how dumb Israel was for constantly wandering from Yahweh. But I do this every day, and I have the Holy Spirit living inside me! God’s mercy and steadfast love are demonstrated through His long toleration of our wickedness by looking forward to the death and resurrection of Jesus!
God faithfulness. Towards the end of this last lecture, it discussed the many failures and relapses into sin that many people in the Old Testament experienced. How incredible is It that God is a faithful god! That He loves and lavishes His grace on us, even though we find ourselves constantly falling back into our sin and brokenness!
How forgiving a God we really do have. How many chances He is willing to give His people who continually sin and turn away from Him. His love is everlasting.
God making His presence known .
God keeps his promises and is there for us when we call out to him. this is all predicated on our obedience and willingness to follow him.
God is always there even when we may not think so.
God’s ability to step in through His creation in ordinary and supernatural means to uphold his promises to His people
God’s provision and purpose will be fulfilled. He is a just and merciful God who has patience with mankind and will guide them to His promises and provide the ability to conquer any obstacles that may be in the way. All strength to do His will comes from Him. He guides, blesses and corrects.
I am always impressed with God’s patience and diligence with mankind. The fact that he did not completely give up on humanity is astounding. I find myself overwhelmed by God’s grace and mercy for me and for all of mankind. I recognize God as a gracious and loving God although most see him as angry and vengeful God.
The truth that God is constant and we can rely on him.
He has the power to turn formidable obstacles into safe pathways.
This is my most impressive, because of how patient he is. His timing is always really just on time and perfect. As long as we have faith and wait on Him.
God keeps his promises and he wants us to tell others about who he is and what he has done in our lives.
He keeps His promises.
He manifested this to my life numerous times, since He does not lie.
I was impressed about His giving His people directions, for God always want us to follow his guidance so that He shows His grace.
He kept his promise regardless of how Israel responded to him and sinned against him
Everything about him is impressive!! The anger part scare me a bit ….
That he wants his mighty works remembered and recounted to our children. I hope that God continues to bring his mighty works to my mind so I can speak of them to my children as the spirit leads.
That He is always there for us and will never leave us.
i was impressed by God because He cared so much for His people, even when they fell into temptation. He redeemed them forgave them.
The truth that God promises to be with those who move forward with him spoke to me the most because oftentimes, I have difficulty trusting God, especially in the area of faith-sharing. And I need to be reminded of that truth every time I become fearful of situations.
He always provides a way out for those who obey Him.
He is to be feared
It takes patient to continue to forgive. Aline with Jesus’ answer to Peter more than seven times. Early in that reading, I remember reading that God has limit as well. He knows best.
What impressed me most about God is his patience with Israel, they turned from him over and over and God had the power to wipe them out, but he loved them so much that he didn’t.
I was most impressed by God’s genuine desire to have a relationship with His people despite how wayward they were. He did lose patience with their repeated offenses due to their sinful nature, but He did not give up on loving them and desiring to show them His love.
The truth about God that impressed me the most is knowing and seeing God as a redeemer and a deliverer. I say this because God has brought the Israelites across the Jordan river to take them to the promised land. H also redeemed his people from the hands of the enemy when Ruth hid them to protect them. He is a savior such as his son Jesus who saves us from our sin and from our enemies.
The truth that impressed me the most was that, God is concerned about what is happening in this world because there was a point in time where I believed in a God that didn’t really care what was happening here but, I know now that I was wrong. God does care. It is evident in the Bible and we wouldn’t have Jesus and other spiritual leaders to teach us about God and what he wants.
God keeps His promises. He is patient. He can make a way when we can’t even see a way at all. He raised up those in authority to rule or govern what was acceptable to Him. There’s so much history that a lot of people will never know because they simply skip over the Old Testament like none of it pertains to us, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Seeing God in this way is a new look on the history of the birth of the. Action of Israel. I guess the biggest way that stands out to that I can relate with right now in my life is the story of Gideon. Gideon’s need for communication with God is something I can absolutely relate to right now. I need to hear from God to know the path I am on is where God wants me and that I am following His direction.
well they all impress me. over all impress about how he protects his people, he leads them,he supports us those in his WILL,and we are not alone. and he wants us to profess his mighty works to the world make known.
In the section settlement seeing God, you can see that God makes a way where all options are exhausted ( that is where there is no way). For example we see how in stepping into the Jordan River a path was miraculously created in the river for the Jews to walk through; coming to Jericho, the formidable walls of the city crumbled miraculously so that the Jews could move on.
That He is able to create and destroy, this shows how powerful He is , and how small we are and that we are never in control
God’s ability to remove or limit the power of a formidable obstacle. We all have those formidable obstacles in our lives but as humans our power is limited. God however has no problem whatsoever removing or eliminating the obstacles we struggle with if we pray and and it’s in God’s will to do so. I mean who wouldn’t want God in their corner knowing this???
He keeps his promises and the power he has is just so fascinating!
It is significant to me that God keeps His promises. This is an indication to me that He plans to continue to be involved with His people and to continue to make Himself known.
He keeps his promises
The truth that God has the power to turn formidable obstacles into safe pathways impressed me the most. When faced with an overwhelming challenge, it is easy to think that there is no solution or way forward, but God always has a way.
In the section “Settlement” Seeing God,” the truth about God that impressed me the most at this time is that ” He promises to be with those who move forward with Him (3:7).” I have felt the calling of God many times to go into the ministry at a Pastors level and preaching level but have shrunk from the calling for many reasons. One reason was always that I was a single mother raising children so much of my time that I didn’t see how I could go into the Ministry at a fulltime capacity when schooling is a must and I didn’t have the finances or time. Also I easily could talk myself out of it because I didn’t think I was smart enough or that my personal history would mock me. I’m feeling strongly about trying to answer God’s calling and the truth that God will be with me when I move forward with Him is a truth I must hold onto and have faith in Him and that it is the Holy Spirit that is calling me.
He has the power to turn formidable obstacles into safe pathways (3:15); this means His omnipotence. For me, I’m never in doubt of God’s omnipotence even when I’m unsure of His exact will and timings on any matter or events.
I think it’s the truth that He turns obstacles into opportunity is so beautiful. What can seem bad to us is always just a setup for God to work how amazingly He does. He is faithful and true.
Keeps his promises. It is not always in our timing but he never fails.
He makes his presence known. There are times when it feels like he isn’t there with us when we struggle. But if we listen and pay attention, He is always there.
God has the power to control nature, and for me, this means He can calm a storm within me, my emotions. God is fully in control!