Tagged: NT035-04
pure=clean= to worship God only
Being pure in heart means thinking and living in a way that doesn’t allow sin and cares of the world to block my reception of God’s Holy Spirit.
I have had the discussion often with people I know who are members of churches as to what we would have to do to purify out hearts to the point that we would be ‘perfect’ before a Holy God. There is nothing that we can do – nothing because we are saved by Grace alone “and that not of ourselves”. To be pure in heart as much as possible we must avoid earthly treasure and desires and focus on Jesus. If we are to follow in His footsteps we pray for His heart, His eyes, His desires. To be pure in heart means to be totally devoted to Jesus and to the fact only His desires should be “the desires of your heart.”
We cannot achieve that in our own power, ever.
For me, to be “Pure in heart” has a childlike innocence where I look at every person with love and try to find the good in them. It’s an attitude where every person is valuable and worth my time to interact. It also requires me to think Godly thoughts and stay in tune with the Holy Spirit. When my mind wanders it is important to give those thoughts to Jesus, ask for forgiveness if necessary, and get back on track.
You must have clean heart ( will thoughts and emotions) and not have a heart full of hate, lust, unbelief, malice etc. The Lord needs a clean heart so that you can be use to spread the gospel.
To be pure in heart means to be singularly devoted to God Almighty. Psalm 24:4 reinforces this by telling us that the person who has clean hands and a pure heart is one “who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by what is false.”
To be pure in heart means to be blameless in who we actually are. Being pure in heart involves having a singleness of heart toward God. A pure heart has no hypocrisy, no guile, no hidden motives. The pure heart is marked by transparency and an uncompromising desire to please God in all things.
Pure in heart is an attitude. It is an inner view of God and desire to know God that reflects his nature to others.