Tagged: ML503-02
a. Local congregations made up of Christians – Agree – though church could also refer to multiple local bodies who have fellowship (e.g. multi-campus churches, etc).
b. Special meetings on the first day of the week – I agree with this but I think that meetings are not limited to the first day of the week, though this is the most attended and observed.
c. Church officers – and he list only elders – who have responsibility for local churches – I agree that elders (and pastors) should be responsible, but so are Apostles, Prophets, Teachers, Evangelists, and other leadership positions per Romans 12.
d. Deacons responsible for the community of the church in the area of material things – I agree that Deacons may spearhead efforts to serve the needs of the church but they need oversight from Elders and support from the congregation at large.
e. A serious view of discipline – I agree the standards must be held high, per scripture, with a balance of grace and truth. I find that when people are valued and are prayed for and are allowed to exercise their gifts, applied discipline in the form of formal rebukes or asking people to leave is not very common.
f. Specific qualifications for elders and deacons – I agree. I think these are widely misunderstood. Eldership and Deaconship are often confused in their roles and are often lightly handed out.
g. The observance of two sacraments – baptism and the Lord’s Supper. I agree. But I also agree that Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and Anointing of the sick and others are also sacraments or ordinances.