The Old Testament is the story of God reaching out in love to a rebellious people. Why is this significant?

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    • #95326377

      the old testament is the story of God reaching out in love to a rebellious people, this is important, because Adam and eve sinned, and this made God happy, and it impaired the relationship with God. their sin not only alienated them from God, but represents the human race. All have sinned and fallen short of of the glory. The old testament story is about God’s plan to rebuild the relationship between himself and his people he created to love and to love his people.

    • #95324884

      The Old Testament is important to those who sinned for the following reasons. First is God’s astonishing love and grace for all who have sinned. Second, God not only makes us aware of all human errors, but also has the ability to transform us into new forms.

    • #95324578

      This is the most significant element of human existence. We are created by God to have a relationship with Him. He is holy, we are unholy the Old Testament lays out God’s plan to renew our broken relationship with Him and show us how much He loves us.

    • #95323485

      He made us in His image. He is loving and wants us to be righteous and to love one another. If He did not love us, He would not have us. He wants the best for us. He wants us to be like Him. He won’t give up on us. He wants us to be successful in our life on earth and to care for the creation which includes humans, animals of all kinds, and the land that He made.

    • #95322205

      It is significant because we cannot save ourselves. Throughout the OT, God has already emphasised in the OT that only He can save and deliver humankind. Society can only be transformed when they recognise there is a God.

    • #95321617

      The significance is all-important because, if God did not reach out to us in our fallen state we would never seek Him.

    • #95321250

      This show us how enormous God’s love for us is and how much He desires to be in a loving relationship with us, even in the mist of our rebellion.

    • #95320372

      Often, as we live in the flesh and situations arise our immediate desire is a fleshly response. Many of us tend to be reactive instead of thinking through the long term thoughts of what is God doing in our lives so that we can see the bigger picture. Learning from the Old Testament people allows us to hold our place in God’s greater plan and be content in the here and now that God works all things for good. God is reaching for us just as He did for them. He is faithful.

    • #95320280

      When people read the Old Testament, many simply see God as a God of anger, vengence, and a source of consequences for our sins and the sins of those in Old Testament times. It is really a book of love made up of smaller books to guide us in a righteous walk with Him, in it He also demonstrates His love, forgiveness for our sins

    • #95319419

      It is significant because it shows us how much love God has for his people. Through different stories they have proved how much he forgives us and gives us a chance to get it right

    • #95317476

      It is significant because it shows the love God have for us. God is committed to help His creation find our way back from our fallen state.

    • #95317306

      It is significant because all of mankind has fallen from grace and we are not capable of going back to it. God’s love made it possible for us to be reconciled with Him. It is revealed in the Old Testament how God reached out each time people walked away from Him.

    • #95316260

      This is significant because the entire Bible shows us that God loved His people and continues to love His people no matter what we might do to mess up. His love is unconditional and constant.

    • #95316201

      History has a way of repeating itself. As the peoples in the Biblical eras rebelled against God and His prophets. So do we, today, rebel and try to make it through on our own. Worshiping idols, money, power, self worth…
      God’s unwavering love is evident, if we study the Scripture, and turn our hearts to Him.

    • #95315495

      It is the highly detailed account of the steadfast love of the Lord, summed up in 1 John 4:10 (NIV)
      “This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.”

      The Old Testament gives lots of skin and bones to this incredible truth.

    • #95314166

      Humankind’s greatest but unrealized need is to know that we need a Savior. So much behavior is rooted in guilt because God built conscience in each of us, and when that conscience has been violated, guilt results. Unfortunately, our separation from God blinds us to our need for forgiveness and reconciliation, so we try to ignore both our conscience and God with a myriad of evasive maneuvers that hide us from God and our own selves. Knowing that God truly loves us, wants to remove our guilt, and restore His relationship with us is the only message we need but always, in our rebellion, reject.

    • #95313664

      God made man to have fellowship with Him, and when man broke that relationship, because He IS LOVE, He did His best, gave His best to restore us to Him, despite man’s rebellion. This is significant so we can see that God did not give up on man, nor ever will, despite his rebellion. It is also significant to understand that the OT is not just about stories or events in the lives of the people of that day/time, but the most important lesson to be seen/learnt is God’s redemption Plan for man.

      • #95314171

        I’m you capitalized “IS LOVE” because people (and sometimes religions) have a view of God that He wants us back only so he can punish us by keeping us feeling guilty about our sinful past. Nothing could be further from the truth! God’s plan of redemption begins in the OT because it reveals the that the roots of our faith began with the Lord God of the Old Testament and ends with the Lord God of the New Testament–and they are both Jesus Christ!

    • #95313267

      It proves that God shows mercy and grace to those people and give chance to repent and to turn back to Him.

    • #95312283

      Because that is the story of each of us as individuals.

    • #95312228

      It is significant because the rebellious people are you and me. God is reaching out the rebuild the broken relationships with us and it’s up to us to choose how to respond to His love.

    • #95312070

      It shows his love and discipline.

    • #95311854

      It shows that from the beginning God has reached out and continued to reach out to us. Since the fall, we have been separated from God by sin, but he has continued to live us and offers us redemption.

    • #95311821

      We all are rebelious people. To a major or minor degree, we all are full of longings, desires, impulses and expectations rebelious to God’s will. Getting familiar to the Israel people rebellious behaviours is an invaluable help in order to expose and point out our own personal rebellious ways. Also, reflecting on Israel wanderings makes possible we know how to avoid perils and pitfalls of sinful behaviour.

      The story of the rebellious people of Israel is a warning and a helpful example of why not replicating those behaviours and ways of living. Also a proof of the evil inside us since immemorial times and the unvaluable price of God’s provision for our salvation.

    • #95310940

      To me, this is significant because it shows a plan for redemption from the beginning.

    • #95309475

      God reaches out in love to rebellious people in the past, the present and the future.

    • #95308107

      This teaches us how to understand God’s character so we then know how to live, how to apply the truths and examples and get right with God in our own lives.

    • #95307702

      This is our story as well and it shows us that God is loving, patient and merciful…enough to provide a savior and save us from sin and death. The OT books provide answers to who God is and reveals his character, power, and faithfulness. God is worthy of our praise and devotion.

    • #95307664

      In order to understand the gift, and reason for Jesus to come, we must first understand how sin came to be.

    • #95307638

      Because they need to understand they need saving.

    • #95307095

      This is significant because without Him reaching out we are doomed. What an amazing God we serve, that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us.

    • #95302807

      God reaching out in love to a rebellious people is significant because it shows how much He loves His people, it shows His redemption and grace and how patient He is with us.

    • #95302292

      Knowing that all scripture is inspired by God and not the opinions of ordinary men’s imaginations, gives us the trust to believe in what the Bible teaches. God created us for the purpose of fellowship with Him. Wherever God is, sin is not. The Bible gives us instructions on how to live righteous lives so that we can fellowship with God.

    • #95302130

      Because all have sinned and we do not deserve the love of God but yet He loves us so much that he gave His only son to die for our sins.

    • #95300518

      God’s love for His people stretches a great way; even when we rebel, he gives us a chance to make right with Him. If we learn to accept Jesus’ sacrifice for us, then we can repair the bridge between us and our Creator, our Father.

    • #95299536

      Because it shows that he is a gracious and loving God as well as it sets the stage for the sending of His only begotten Son to be the ultimate sacrifice for a fallen and sinful people. It shows how much He desires to have a right relationship with His people.

    • #95298543

      That’s how much He loves us! That’s how much He desires a relationship with us! The Father is so rich in Mercy and Grace!

    • #95296845

      God always wanted (and always will) to be in a relationship with people – that is His ultimate goal and reason for creating mankind. He wants us to be part of His heavenly family, and just as an earthly father would correct, guide, and love his children and family, so does God (even with unconditional love). This is significant because it shows the character of a loving Heavenly Father who would always guide, correct, and love his rebellious children… even today.

    • #95296802

      Israel was (is) God’s chosen people, but just like any good Father, they needed to be disciplined when they were disobedient. He was patient with them, and He faithfully loved them This is true for us today — without Christ, we are rebellious against God. With God’s redeeming love by Christ’s death on the cross, we can be one of His chosen people too!

    • #95296773

      Because once man fell he could have destroyed us and started over and/or not re-created us at all. But he loved His creation so much that He showed grace and mercy and throughout the Old Testament we His love shown which has a significant impact on us a we fall short daily.

    • #95296097

      This is significant because it shows us that God loves all people and will pursue His children at all cost. We belong to God, we are His children and created in His image. No matter how big our mistakes are, God will always love us.

    • #95295825

      This is significant because this is us. God created us, loves us, but we are rebellious people. God is continually reaching out to us as he was doing in the Old Testament. The Old Testament can help us understand why things happen in this world, what happens when people rebel, and how God works to redeem His relationship with us. It is also significant because the Old Testament points to Jesus. We learn that Jesus is the ultimate answer to the problem of sin.

    • #95293028

      The Old Testament story of God reaching out in love to a rebellious people is significant because it allows us to wrap our minds around a type of love that is gifted by God alone. It helps us to understand the why behind such a love and in return, how to love others as he calls us to do even though we are rebellious and sinful in nature. He is calling us back to the place in which he created us to be. With Him.

    • #95291240

      It shows that our God is a forgiving Father and a God who gives us the opportunity to realize that there’s hope even after our mistakes.

    • #95288431

      Actually a better question would be why would it not be considered significant to the Bible. Clearly anyone doing this course would of course be able to give you the overly tired out answers of it is significant because it proves God’s love even before He sent his son to die on the cross, how He has longed since the fall of man to truly be with man, and even how He has chosen individuals that you would never have expected to do His work. The better question of why would it not be considered significant would make the person answering this question really stop and think for a while on the question. The actual answer would be that they could not find an answer. But it would take the reader a moment to thoroughly look inside themselves and question everything to see if they could come up with anything other than, no it is significant and here is why.

    • #95287034

      This is significant because as a person I’m rebellious to the way they are gone it doesn’t seem to matter how much I try not to be I find myself being rebellious the Old Testament shows me that gods patience and forgiveness can also be applied to me

    • #95286239

      If God did not love us then we would have no hope! Even though we are a rebellious people He stills loves us and shows this by forgiving us our sins! As He did in the Old Testament He does today for us. The Old Testament tells us about a coming Messiah that will truly save us all if we only believe. This was God’s greatest show of love!!!

    • #95285655

      It is significant because it shows God’s love for sinners and how he wants to win his people back. He pursues us in love and stops at nothing.

    • #95283714

      Because God reaches out in love to rebellious people, there is hope for everyone. God is patient and kind; He doesn’t wish for any of us to be lost and He is the God of second chances.

    • #95283618

      I believe it reveals the ultimate attributes of God. God is loving, merciful, forgiving, longsuffering etc. The Israelites were described as a stiff-necked people (I tend to describe them as slow learners). They constantly grumbled, complained, worship false gods, were disobedient to God’s commandments etc. (exactly the way we are today) – we are all sinners – no exceptions. I believe that by reading about the Israelites, we are able to understand that when we follow God and obey His commandments we are blessed by God and basically come out a winner – however, when we are disobedient, sin, worship false gods, etc then we grieve God and He chastizes us (sometimes very severely). There are countless examples in the OT that tell the stories of people who were ultimately blessed when they followed God and were obedient to His commandments. And maybe more examples that showed what happened when people disobeyed God. (loss of battles that should have been easily won, tradgedy in their lives, hardships, sorrow, grief and sadness etc.

      As for me and my house …. we will serve and obey the LORD

    • #95283614

      I believe it reveals the ultimate attribute of God. God is loving, merciful, forgiving, longsuffering etc. The Israelites were described as a stiff-necked people (I tend to describe them as slow learners). They constantly grumbled, complained, worship false gods, were disobedient to God’s commandments etc. (exactly the way we are today) – we are all sinners. I believe that by reading about the Israelites, we are able to understand that when we follow God and obey His commandments we are blessed by God and basically come out a winner – however, when we are disobedient, sin, worship false gods, etc then we grieve God and He chastizes us (sometimes very severely). There are countless examples in the OT that tell the stories of people who were ultimately blessed when they followed God (not idols) and were obedient to His commandments. And maybe more examples that showed what happened when people disobeyed God. (loss of battles that should have been easily won, tradgedy in their lives, hardships, sorrow, grief and sadness etc.

      As for me and my house …. we will follow and obey the LORD

    • #95283086

      This is significant because God could have just destroyed us, it shows God’s unselfish character, His grace and love. It gives us hope for the future.

    • #95283085

      God ‘s Love is significant, it is what we all need, it is what we crave, but even with that we still sin, and God still loves us. That is what we all need to remember, even when we make mistakes, or fall short, God will always be there with his love, forgiveness, grace, and mercy, to pick us back up if we so choose and ask him to forgive us and lead us on the right path.
      The Old Testament tells us this, it shows of the horrible way we as humans treated our God and his love was still available to us. It also shows how God isn’t afraid to use tough love on us humans, and I believe that is something many of us forget, just because God may not play by your rules he will wait for us to play by his.

    • #95281771

      This is significant because it reminds us that God will continually seek us in all things. We can look at these different periods of time and see the similarities to our struggles and find comfort and resolution. This comfort and resolution is then a place for us to pray and find calmness in our time of need. Each individual, each piece is shown to have been broken, hurting and sinful and yet God’s love came together time and time again. That can be a needed reminder for us walking in our anointing against the spiritual warfare of today.

    • #95281415

      All we need to do is look at a mirror and we will see Israel staring back at us. How many times have we gone through our days of worshipping God only to be in our private place and commit the same old sins time and time again. I will tell you I have. I used to sit back and try to figure out why the people of Israel never stayed faithful and true to God, then I look at everything we have; our Bibles, churches, all the technology that puts God right at our fingertips, and yet we still sin. We are doing the same thing Israel did and we do not see it.

    • #95280313

      The Old Testament is the story of God reaching out in love to a rebellious people and is still significant because God loves us. God first loved us. God always loves us and God is always calling us back even if we begin to fall away. God is reaching out in love waiting to forgive us. And…God is always waiting to be gracious to us.

      It is difficult for us to fully understand the extravagant expanse of the love of God for us and to truly accept that love for us. God, the Creator of all called each soul into existence. God sustains us every moment of our lives out of love. God will never stop loving us.

      The story of the Prodigal Son /The Loving Father that we all know so well is the parable of the love of God as a father in relationship with His children. If we deeply reflect on how it is that The Father (God) who reaches out to the son who has so shamefully sinned . In the story when the son was still far away, the father saw him and ran to meet him. The father drew him back into the circle of love. The father had been watching and waiting each day for his son to return and loved him back welcoming him home. The son was willing to return home as a slave. The elder son says, “i have slaved for you all these years.” He believes his relationship with his father is one of a slave.

      To quote and old movie, “God made men. Men made slaves.” (The Ten Commandments…Charlton Heston) We do not relate to God as slaves. God has drawn us into existence out of love. Our relationship to God has to be one of love and can be one of love because God loves us. God is not a harsh taskmaster or a slave master. God has drawn us into the circle of God’s own life. We are sons and daughters of God, loved at every instant by God. It is love unlimited, unconditional and everlasting.

    • #95278709

      It is significant because it bring hope to us to human being, because all men have fallen to sin and rebellious to God.

    • #95278393

      It is significant because it shows us that while in sin and the enemy of God, He put’s a plan into action that will save us. This shows His great love for us.

    • #95278353

      God reaching out in love is significant, because without that action, we would be born, sin, and go to hell. It is that reaching out in love that leads us to recognize our sin, God’s forgiveness and His grace.

    • #95278198

      God reaching out in love to a rebellious people, significant because history does indeed repeat itself. We are just as rebellious today as the Israelite were in their time. We are just as disobedient and rebellious. We need the knowledge that God loves us and want us for Himself in spite of our sinful ways. We knowledge that someone can love us unconditionally. That our faults don’t matter. We loved and accepted for who we are not for perfection.

    • #95278006

      God reaching out in love to a rebellious people is significant because we, as human beings on Earth at this time, continue to be rebellious disobeying God’s word and choosing the will of satan or ourselves over the will of God. In essence, we still need the message of the Old Testament in our lives today.

    • #95277987

      It shows that God never gives up on the human race and will stop at nothing to repair the bond that was broken.

    • #95277942

      This shows that God is seeking a relationship with us and wants us to be part of his existence. We are always rebellious so knowing that God will not forsake us when we are not behaving properly is a great comfort. His unconditional love allows us to be the best we can be as individuals and representatives of Him on Earth.

    • #95277485

      The Old Testament is to teach us. God continually reaching out in love, even when we are rebellious, speaks to His character, His grace, and His compassion.

    • #125630

      The reason why the old testament story is significant and shows us God reaching out in love to rebellious people, is because it validates the premise that we were made to receive to fellowship with a loving God and receive his mercy grace and compassion. It also gives us a roadmap to live a righteous life and to get back on course when we have detoured.The old testament is God’s sovereign way of teaching us who he is.

    • #125336

      The Old Testament story of God reaching out in love to a rebellious people is significant because it teaches us the grace and mercy of God. And we learn that there is no depth of our failure that God’s love cannot reach to restore us as His own. “If you return then I will restore you.” Jeremiah 15:19

    • #125027

      This is significant in God’s redemption plan to save humanity from the penalty of sin which is eternal death.

    • #124990


    • #94394
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