Tagged: SF105-01
We can have a strong foundation, knowing God the creator.
1. To understand the history of Christianity
2. To understand God’s character
3. To understand God’s love towards human beings
4. To understand God’s plan for mankind
5. To understand God’s redemptive work
6. To understand God’s prophecy about the Massiah
7. To understand God’s promises for us through Abraham
To learn and understand as best we can about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. About His power, promises, plan, love, justice, righteousness and so much more. To learn what pleases Him and how to live as His child.
To learn all about the beginnings and the history of God’s people and how it is all related to Jesus.
It is the foundation of the Truth in the bible.
His Love
Our forefathers and the history of our people
It tells of God’s love and the length he is willing to go so that we can have eternal life with him. It shows us who God is and the depth of his love for us. If he didn’t love us as much as he does, he wouldn’t have sent his only son here to die for our sins in order for us to have the chance of eternal life.
Learn the entire history of mankind, re creation. God is and always has been, a mystery in which we must trust. He is how we came to be; we need to understand how sin entered the world and why we need a Savior. Also, it’s important to know that God promises this Savior at the very beginning. All world events then work toward that fulfillment.
To know who God is and better understand the New Testament.
Learn about the beginning of time and humanity. Learn about relationships, and sin, and obedience to God.
It answers the question on how life began
Because it is the foundation of New Testament
The Old Testament is the beginning and the foundation of all things, to study it is to know about the God who created the universe, His ways, acts, and His relationship with mankind.
The study of the Old Testament helps us to understand the redemptive work of Christ, right from the first book of the OT.
It helps us to understand the great love God has for mankind.
We must read and study the Old Testament so that we could see how the redemptive plan of God takes shape in relation to humankind. Must study the Old Testament to learn of the will and character of God. The Old Testament is the beginning and the New is the ending.
The Old Testament is the foundation of the Christian faith. It reveals: all the attributes of God, His plans and purposes for His creation, the fall and His plan to redeem creation.
Studying the Old Testament provides a foundational understanding of God, how to relate to Him, and our need for the Savior.
To know God
To have a foundation for learning the bible
To learn of the foundation which lead to our living by Grace today and how Jesus paid the debt for our sins
To understand God better.
To see the connections to Jesus.
Some reasons that someone should study the Old Testament would be for the historical factors for all of the biblical teachings, along with the way life was for those during the Old Testament.
It tells the story from the creation of the earth, the fall of man, and God’s plan for redeeming his creation. It’s history. It has poetry. It gives wisdom. It shows where our moral law originated from.
To get to know God and his nature.
To see how we can apply some of the incidents in the Old Testament to our lives in this lifetime.
To find out how it applies to the coming of Jesus to name a few.
To learn the history of the Christian faith. To learn from mistakes. To study Godly men and women and how they pursued God. To see so many prophecies pointing to Jesus coming.
To learn about the history of the Bible also therefore knowing how to understand the New Testament
The reason why the Old Testament should be studied is because it is the most fundamental to the life of Christians. The beginning of the Bible is the Old Testament, so of course, you have to read the Old Testament first. You can’t understand the new drug without understanding the Old Testament.
Everything in the New Testament has foundation in the Old Testament. Christ is the fulfillment of the law, prophets, and writings of the Old Testament, which is therefore very important to know for Christians.
Without studying the Old Testament, we cannot fully understand the New Testament. For example, the prophecies relating to the Messiah and then the fulfilment in the coming of Jesus Christ. The Old Testament is God’s Story, it introduces God, His character, His Nature, His Miraculous Powers . It teaches us life lessons, gives us standards to live by. It teaches us about sin and the effects of it, about obedience and disobedience and much much more.
The Old Testament provides us with the necessary foundation for us to believe in Jesus, to know God personally, factually and practically.
A few reasons to study the old testament would include gaining factual, personal and practical knowledge about God. In addition out understanding of the Old Testament prepares a healthy foundation for the new testament to be built upon. Our awareness of Christ in the Old Testament makes the New Testament that much greater to enjoy because it points to, prophecies about and prepares for the ultimate King to come accomplish the purposes of God for salvation in history.
The New Testament is filled with Old Testament Prophecies and too full understand the word of God we need to have a good understanding of both new and Old Testament.
Some reasons for studying the Old Testament are to learn about God, a basic foundation of the Bible, and prophesies that will help us to understand Jesus Christ that will help us develop our faith in Him.
One should study the Old Testament so your faith is strengthen, knowledge of the prophecies of the coming of Christ, understanding of the New Testament.
The Old Testament shows us our need for a savior. It also lays the foundation of God’s moral law in showing us what He expects from us when dealing with Him and our fellow man.
From Genesis 1:1, the story of humankind is narrated by God. The OT is important in order to better understand the NT.
As stated, the Old Testament is the foundation of the Bible and it teaches of God’s character and love. Why things occurred then, but also can be seen in todays world.
To know God…factual knowledge and personal. It shows us how we are to live as God’s children.
The Old Testament provides information about God that helps you understand Him more. You can’t love someone if you don’t know them, and the Old Testament provides a solid foundation for further spiritual education.
To understand where the world began. To get to know the nature of God, his omnipotence, and his love. It reveals our history, prophesies, and the very reason why we are here in the first place.
The Old Testament is of great spiritual and personal value. It tells us about God, answers questions about how life began, tells how evil came into the world. It prophesies of our Redeemer, inspires us to holy living and fills our hearts with gratitude and praise.
To get full picture, stories, lineage, know how the NT came to be.
The Old Testament not only tells us about God Himself, but it also sets the foundation for the entire Bible. It tells us our history and serves as a guide showing us God’s expectations for us, in order to have a relationship with Him.
The Old Testament should be studied because the stories give examples of what happens when we are disobedient or obedient to God’s Word. It gives us examples of proper worship. We see how God deals with people.
There are many reasons to study the Old Testament. One reason is the Old Testament tells us about GOD, who he is, what he expects from us and how we should live.
Some of the reasons to study the Old testament is to learn about God, ourselves, and Jesus. Also, to gain a better understanding of the New testament.
Some reasons to study the Old Testament are to learn about Israels History and why it is the way it is today.
It shows God’s character. It shows God’s earliest relationships with people. It prophecies about our salvation, Jesus Christ. Without the foundation of the Old Testament, the New Testament could not be understood.
It tells of how evil came into the world and points to our savior, Jesus Christ.
To be familiar with the characteristics of God and to understand how Jesus was the plan all along and that we cannot reach salvation without Him
It tells us how evil came into this world. It also tells us the world began and prophesies the Messiah.
Not only to understand history but how Gods original commandments still influence our lives in our contemporary world.
To understand Gods plan for mankind and the future.
It helps us to know God and understand his plan of redemption.
It teaches us about God, how life began, how evil came into the world, prophesis about the Messiah-Redeemer, inspires us to live holy, and it fills us with gratitude and praise.
To know who God is
To know the heart of God
To learn God’s plan to redeem fallen man to Himself
To know what God wants from us, His children
To understand the relationship between the OT and the NT
We should study the OT because it is the foundation for everything that was fulfilled in the NT. The OT is the reason we know how we were created, we can understand how much GOD loves us – everything he did to consistently redeem us. We can truly understand how much GOD wants a relationship with us from the OT. It teaches us how to pray; praise and worship.
Because from Old Testament we know about God more deeply. It also help us knowing New Testament.
Knowledge of God’s relationship with His chosen people.
A clear understanding of what God wants from us as his people. Love, praise, adoration, etc.
Story of creation and man’s original sin.
Psalms show us how to pray, praise and give God glory.
Gives us lessons in how we can relate to others and to God.
Studying the Old Testament gives us the history of creation and tells us many stories to show God’s character and His love for us. It allows us a glimpse into His nature and His purpose in the creation of man. It also helps us to see that the many great people referenced in the Bible, though many did great things, were simply flawed humans, just like me.
The Old Testament is vital is understanding the whole counsel of God and the whole story of God. It tells the story of God’s people but it also tells the story of the origins of sin, of humanity, of the world, and of the need we have in Jesus coming to earth as the Messiah.
The Old Testament teaches the beginning, but it also foretells the future. It tells about the coming of Jesus.
Genesis emphasises that life did not exist until God created it. The Old Testament explains that although God loves us we in return have a duty to respect and love Him. His laws and rules are clearly stated. His justice is demonstrated. The punishment for sin is shown to us when we read what happened to Adam & Eve when they disobeyed Gods single command. The Old Testament is full of examples of how God has rewarded people who have listened to His commands and guidance and how those who did not listen perished.
One should study the Old Testament simply because it’s the beginning of all things, ALL THINGS! The Old Testament is the only way to come to know God, Yahweh. The Old Testament begins with God and then everything else after that. It’s so important to know our beginning and foundation.
To understand the nature and character of God.
To fully grasp the nature of sin and our need for redemption
To understand Gods plan for Israel
To see Gods unchanging promises and faithfulness to those who have faith in Him
To understand Gods desire for us and His holy standards
Gain a better understanding of God and deepen my relationship with him
To better understand the readings of the New Testament
The Old testament is the promise, it helps us understand God, the nature of God, how God is before christ came and more importantly gives an in-depth understanding of the redemption we enjoy in the New Testament
1. The Old Testament provides the foundation for the whole Bible
2. The Old Testament tells us about Jesus Christ.
3. The Old Testament provides the foundation for faith in Christ.
4. The Old Testament helps us to know God.
Studying the word of God is always crucial and important to the relationship you want with God. The OT is where everything has originated from. The origins of God and the story of how we, humans, were created including the history of humans is pertinent to understanding where we are personally going on our individual journeys with God, Lord Christ our Saviour. How can you know where to go, if you do not know where you have been?
Understanding the Old Testament is important to understanding the origin of the universe and God’s intention in Creation, the origin of sin and mankind’s brokenness, and the fullness of God’s unfolding plan for redemption. We also learn about God’s character and the character of mankind in the storyline of the OT.
Understanding of the Old Testament essential to the foundation of Christian faith, as it gives us an understanding of God, allowing us to learn and know Him better factually, personally, and practically.. The Old Testament also tells us of the purpose of Jesus in our world and predicts His coming.
The Old Testament provided the foundation for the understanding of the New Testament. Neither testament can be completely understood as a standalone book. The Old Testament provides the foundation for the Bible, it tells us about Jesus, it establishes the faith in Jesus, and helps us understand and know God.
The Old Testament teachings serve as the basis of the New Testament.
To learn more about God and His character. To better understand the NT and coming of our Lord and Savior. To be able to defend the OT to others.
Reading the Old Testament teaches us of our God, our history and God’s expectation of us. It prepares to recognize Jesus as the Messiah. Plus, it tells a great epic story.
We should study the OT because it allows us to know better who God is. It particularly informs us of Jesus’ coming and purpose. Also, even as cultures and technologies evolve, human nature and God’s nature have not changed. This means the OT can still speak directly to us.
To know the origin of mankind, the history of God, his character, why Jesus had to come, how sin entered the world, and many other facts.
Bc it reveals who God is and prophesies of the coming king. It’s the foundation of scripture.
Foundational knowledge. Develop the full idea of who God is, why things happened, and what the purpose of the NT is.
We should study the Old Testament because these are the scriptures that Jesus had, so they provide the foundation for all of His life and the New Testament. They provide foreshadowing and prophecy of His birth, life, death, and resurrection. The Old Testament also teaches us about us- our past history and our future hope.
To know God.
To understand the problem of sin.
To know ourselves.
To meet Jesus
We need to understand the foundation, where it began and who God is.
To gain a foundation for learning how Christianity came about
One should study the Old Testament because it teaches us about God, and ourselves. It helps us to know who God is, why He created us, and how He wants us to live.
To get to know about the wonders and miracles that God performed.
To see how God cares and deals with His people.
To understand the kind of people God wants us to be and what’s important to Him.
Because if you believe in the Judeo-Christian God, you know He is unchanging. So the God of the Old Testament, is the God of the New Testament, who is the God today. So studying the Old Testament helps us to better understand who our God is.
This question makes me think of the Bible Discovery Method. What does this say about man and what does this say about humans. In the Old Testament, we can truly differentiate those two things because you see a record before the Holy Spirit is given to God’s people. We see humans living apart from God, even though they worship God. So we study the Old to see God’s character. I love how we see all of God’s promises come to fruition, it makes me think how he is a God worth hoping in because he has an unblemished track record of fulfilling his Word.
It tells us about history and about the covenant between God and His people. You cannot really understand what the New Testament is talking about without the background of the Old Testament.
To know God and His nature, His work that He did before and continue to do until this day .
The OT prophesied a lot about the Lord Jesus.
The Old Testament answers the questions of who God is, how life began, how evil began, and how Jesus would come to save us as well as how we can live a holy god honoring life.
The Old Testament is the foundation of the Bible and introduces us to our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
You study the OT to get the factual, historical information needed to understand the NT. The OT is where you learn about God, creation and Jesus. You cant build without a foundation. The OT is the foundation.
To understand God’s character, man’s nature, and Jesus’ purpose
Knowing God as best as we can will help us to become closer to Him.
To learn who God is and to learn how the Old Testament sets the stage for Jesus’ arrival.
1. God’s character is revealed clearly
2. We are very much like the Israel. Understanding them, their struggles and God’s work will help us live our lives better.
3. The Gospel is not good news without the old testament.
To KNOW God, build foundation from creation to the coming of Christ.
Some reasons to study the Old Testament is so we can start at the beginning and build upon the knowledge of who God is as well as who we are. It’s the foundation of where everything begins and we simply continue to build upon.
It is important, it’s the first foundation of the Bible. You can’t study one without the other. It is God’s word and part of the Bible.
It is vital to understanding much of the New Testament. It teaches up so much about God, His love for mankind, His holiness etc. Also we learn why God created us,
how sin came into the world and the consequences of that. Understanding that teaches us why God sent Christ Jesus into the world to make the ultimate sacrifice for sin. We learn from great characters of faith and how God used them and that God can use anyone. We learn of Gods love for Israel, the importance of Israel in the pass, now and Gods future plan for them. We can see how many prophecies in the Old Testament have already been fulfilled exactly as told and how some prophecies still to be fulfilled are given in the Old Testament and in the new. We know if God brought so many prophecies to pass exactly as told than we can trust Him to fulfil those still to pass. The Old Testament is in the new revealed. We can appreciate better Gods great plan of salvation. Why God has to punish sin and disobedience and how He always provides a way out for those who remain faithful to Him. We learn just so much of Gods character, His holiness, His majesty, His love, His faithfulness, His purity, How Extremely serious sin is, how crafty Satan is, how God protects, sustains and leads those who trust Him completely. How God rewarded Job so much more for all
He had lost. How God provided for the Children of Israel in the wilderness and we too can trust God to provide for us. How much God loved Abraham, Moses. David Jonah etc and despite when they failed God in sin when they repented He was still able to use them mightily. Any mistakes we make when we confess our sin and faults before God we know not only does He forgive us but He can still use us to bring glory to God. The Old Testament is in the new revealed.
The Old Testament not only shows the lineage and genealogy of Jesus, but it also is fascinating to see how it all comes together and is fulfilled in the New Testament. It shows us who we are, who God is and why we need a Savior before Jesus even enters the world. To miss all of the history and events leading up to Jesus’s arrival for mankind in the Old Testament is only half of the story and Gods promises fulfilled since the beginning of Creation.
Knowing the Old Testament allows one to understand…
1. How everything began.
2. The God of the Bible who is active in the lives of His people.
3. The promises of a covenant keeping God.
4. The promises of man’s redemption
5. The lessons of failure and success of men and women who are a pattern and warning to us all
It helps us to know Elohim
It helps us to know ourselves.
It helps us to understand our purpose.
Provides the foundation of the Bible, helps us to know who God is, and why we need a savior.
To have a fuller understanding of who God is, who man is, who Christ is, the need for forgiveness of sins, the need for Christ, and more.
1. The Old Testament provides the foundation for the whole Bible
2. The Old Testament tells us about Jesus Christ.
3. The Old Testament provides the foundation for faith in Christ.
So we can fully know who God and Jesus are.
So we will have a history of God’s creation and his love for man.
So many of the characters in the Old Testament show their human side where they fail and then repent thereby receiving redemption. This can help us in recognizing that we too can fall but still obtain redemption if we repent.
1 it tells of God’s purpose, the creation of life.
2 it speaks of his character; of his great love for his children
3 it prophesies the coming of Jesus Christ
4 it teaches us how we should live
The old testament is my favorite book why do I enjoy studying the old testament. Because it gives a history in a lineage of who God is and where Jesus came from. And the prophets spoke about it all the time.
The characters in the Old Testament are filled with great men of faith in God
To understand the connection it has with the New Testament and how they both are in sync with each other, which is to give us a complete picture of God and how Jesus is seen woven through the Old Testament before we get to the New Testament.
To get a complete picture of who God is and how the story of Jesus’ resurrection makes sense for us.
The old testament is rich in context of prophecies of Christ, the Law that He himself followed, and the details leading up to the alley-opp that He comes to dunk(fulfill) in the new testament.
It tells of who God is. It promises the coming of a Savior and the NT cannot be understood without the OT.
To learn about God, and to gain a better understanding of Jesus and how we can be certain of who Jesus is.
Much of the old testament is quoted in the new testament. SCripture is all one story of a redeeming God. Without the old testament, we will be missing part of the story.
To understand God’s character, to be able to understand New Testament better
The Old Testament teaches us the character of God. It reveals to us the reason for Christ coming as the Word made flesh to dwell among. The Old Testament is filled with truth and it teaches us how to live in revelation of our Holy God and Creator.
The Old Testament sets the foundation. It shows us how much we need Jesus and helps us to know God and His character all the more.
To learn more about who God is since he’s the foundation of it.
People should study the OT to better understand the entire story of the Bible, to learn about the entirety of Jesus’s role and work, to strengthen our confidence in the foundation of our faith, and to know and appreciate God and His character.
The OT reveals the nature and character of God and man; neither of which has changed.
The OT is foundationally important to understanding the NT. It is often quotes and referenced in the NT
To grow that much deeper with God. The OT reveals so much about the character and nature of God.
The Old Testament tells us about the character of God and who God is. It sets the stage for Jesus and the entire New Testament.
It helps gives us the full picture of God’s great plan for redemption through Jesus. The entire Old Testament points to Jesus coming.
The old testament provides the foundation for the entire Bible, it also teaches us about Jesus Christ and Predicts his coming, puts his ministry into focus, preview his sacrifice for sin and tells of his judgment of the world and he’s coming kingdom. It also provides the foundation for the faith in Christ
The Old Testament is the foundation for the Messiah. It gives our history and our need for a savior. We can also see ourselves in the books written there.
It is the foundation for the Bible and shows us who God is and what our faith is based on
The Old Testament is the foundations of creation. God’s character is made known. We discovers what God’s plan and expectations are looking forward. The Old Testament helps us to know where we are going. The Old Testament provides the knowledge of sin through God’s ten commands which are the foundational commands that help us to understand our sin nature.
The Old Testament is still the word of God! The OT reveals God’s will, character, and morale law. We see the rich history of the covenant with Abraham and Israel. We see a glimpse of the future, and it all points to Jesus.
To help understand Gods character. Without the OT the NT will not be completely understood
To properly understand the reasons behind our desperate need for God’s saving grace!
Because it lays the foundation. It gives us the knowledge we otherwise wouldn’t have.
One should read the Old Testament because it lays the foundation for the New Testament. It helps gives us the complete story. It tells us why. It also gives us insight to get to know God on a more personal level.
to know the work of God throughout his redemption story and for us to understand the culture of His people will give us a better understanding of history itself.
To learn about Gods Character. Who he is. What he has done and what he will do.
The OT creates a foundation for us to know who God is. As we read through the OT we can see how sin has separated God’s people and He continues to show us how to live our lives according to His commands. The OT sets the stage for redemption in the NT.
The Old Testament is the historical redemption and revelation of God and Creation. To know and study it is to help give us biblical lens of truth for the world today.
The Old Testament is not only a good foundation for learning it teaches of God and all the trials and tribulations of Gods people. Today we go through some of the same issues and knowing that God helped His people through their hard times gives us comfort for when we go through those trials.
A person should study the Old Testament to grow closer to God. A person should study the Old Testament to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the entire story of God plan for humanity. A person should study the Old Testament to grow personally in their understanding of God in their everyday life.
To understand how it fits all together. People, places, and concepts. How Jesus understood the law and the prophecy about himself.
We must understand that God is the beginning of all things, that he is the source of time and humanity and the Creator of every living thing. We must develop a personal knowledge of God by learning His character, love and power. It introduces us to His grace and mercy and points us toward a destination back to His presence after the fall of humankind. The Old Testament is the history of the human race and God’s authority, correction and love for His creation.
The Old Testament is the introduction to the New Testament, they go hand in hand. The Old Testament explains how and why everything came about in the New Testament and the beginning, the middle, and the end.
Some reasons are, to fully understand God’s intention of His people, to know how to live a Godly life (Proverbs)
To understand who God is and understand his character and omnipotence. It tells us how we got where we are and why we need him.
Jesus considered the OT to be the word of God.
In order to better understand the new Testament.
To get a full understanding of who God is and how man should be in total dependence with God.
To know why a saviour was needed, to know why we exist and who we are.
To gain a solid foundation and understanding of God and his word.
To better understand the character of God. Specifically his holiness. You also get an understanding of the history of people. We have consistently fallen short for thousands of years. The Old Testament helps us see how much we need Him. The old testament also speaks of the coming Christ who would save his people from their sin. There is something powerful about something so profound coming true years later.
One should study the Old Testament, because that way you can learn the history and the law of God. And you will know what is going on in the New testament when they refer to the Old Testament.
To have a full understanding of God, the history of all who came before us, and How God’s word still applies to our lives today.
One should study the Old Testament because it lays out the foundation of our understanding of God, and much of the New Testament references the Old Testament text.
We have to understand how everything came about.
we should read the old testment because it lays the foundation for what we need and know
It’s the foundation of the entire bible
To know more about God. To know and fully appreciate why Jesus had to go to the cross for us.
The Old Testament is our history, it gives glimpses into Christ’s coming. I think the OT is interesting 😁
Without the Old Testament there would be no New Testament. By studying the Old Testament you see who God is, you also see the reasoning for the birth of Jesus. The Old Testament also teaches you about creation and its purpose. Another big thing you learn in the Old Testament is the fall of humanity and why our world we live in is broken.
some of the reasons one should study the old testament are:
a. to know who God is as deity and ruler of our lives
b. to understand why God created mankind
c. to learn our purpose for being created
d. to learn about the journey of the old prophets and all individuals as it relates to us in this present time.
e. to gain increase knowledge, wisdom and understanding of God’s word
Of the many reasons one should study the Old Testament, some include; discovering who God is according to how He has chosen to reveal Himself through His history with His creation, getting to know God’s character based on how He related to His chosen people, and through the former two, learning how God relates to us today as His chosen people in the midst of a dark world as we strive to overcome our fallen natures. And of course, perhaps the biggest need for studying the Old Testament is to get to know who the Messiah is and why we need Him.
The only Bible Jesus knew is what we call the Old Testament.
Because it’s God’s history itself.
To get to know God. It’s the foundation of our faith. It describes the character of God. It shows us that God literally made every single thing nothing is exempt from what He’s made in creation.
My study in the old testament we can learn about the character of God. We can also see the backstory of the line of Christ. This will give us a foundation and an overview picture of what Christ came to do and why he came to do it
Some reasons to study the Old Testament are to know about the nature of God and to see how it ties the New Testament to the Old Testament.
1. it tells about God
2. answers questions about how life began
3. how evil came into our world
4. the prohesies of the Messaih and our redeemer
5. inspires us to live holy
6. fills our hearts to gratitude and praise.
Studying the Old Testament helps us:
– to understand of the foundation of the Christian Faith,
– to know God as he has been throughout the ages
– to appreciate of the person of Jesus Christ and
– to have confidence in our personal relationship with God
Reasons why we should study the Old testament are to understand God’s record of His mighty deeds among men from the beginnning of time, it tell us basic truths we need to know, and it is also a foundation for faith in Christ
To better understand the New Testament because it is the foundation and helps us understand our creator. The stories also help us understand our own struggles and adversities and how we can relate. If you can’t believe how it all begins how can you even read further into the bible??
The Old Testament gives us the context for the New Testament. If we ignore this we ignore the rich History of Israel, plus we miss out on all of the covenant blessings that God provided.
To understand how God created us and the rules he wants us to follow. Also the stories he thinks are important lessons to live by.
The Old Testament shows that life is God’s story, that He is the main character, the One who reached out to man, He loved us first. And I am so very glad that He has not changed. So the lessons learned by people in the Old Testament are relevant and applicable to me today – wow, this is very cool.
By studying the Old Testament, we learn that all things had their beginning in God. Also, we see all the characters and events that point to the coming of Christ. The Old Testament is filled with the intimate accounts of man’s interactions with God and His involvement in the situations of daily life.
We should study the Old Testament because it tells who God is and how everything began. It tells about humans and how the same issues they had then we still struggle with today and it is important to study and see how God worked through those issues then to help us understand how he may work through them today.
to learn how it al began
The Old Testament teaches you right from the start of how powerful God really is.
You know right from the start about good and evil.
People like Noah, Moses, Joshua, and Abraham set the events for the coming of Christ!
The Old Testament is the beginning of the journey to knowing our Savior!
Hi Lisa
I agree with you. The Old Testament is our history that God wants us to learn about and sets the scene for Christ’s coming.
You should learn about the Old Testament because it is where the story of God begins. It tells us how the world came to be and it proclaims the promises of the new life Jesus will bring. It helps us to understand God’s characters; how is loving, just and true.
Oh shoot…I had a paragraph at least for an answer here that I was almost finished with and somehow it totally got erased! Is there anyway to save this text so you don’t loose it?
Some of the reasons why you should study the Old Testament are pretty obvious to some. I think first off that the Old Testament is the Word of God, just as much as the New Testament is the Word of God. In Genesis we read ” In the beginning,” which is history as way back as God wants us to know.
So, the Old Testament gives us the History of the beginning of the Christ Story.
I also think that we absolutely need to study the Old Testament because this is where God gives us His Law. We see in His Law that no one is able to keep it,
we are all sinners and need a solution to be reconciled to Him.
We can use Proverbs for teaching young and old. To me it is the book of wisdom. God’s wisdom and worldly wisdom are two different things.
The book of Psalms shows us how to worship God, how to Praise God, how to lament or repent. We also see in Psalms that we can go to Him for protection,
strength, courage, and rest.
There are so many reasons to study the Old Testament. How about that it prepares us for the New Testament and the New Covenant that God made with His people, primarily the Jewish people in the Old Testament but to all people in the New Testament.
Tells us how life began, where evil came from, prophesies of messiah.
1. Understanding the historical context of the New Testament
2. Seeing how prophecy led to the birth of Christ
3. Understanding the cultural context of the New Testament
4. Understanding the genealogy of Christ