Tagged: WE102-02
Influential worldviews today seem to be at extremes. There are monotheists who regard as real what they observe in nature and understand from their religious writings. On the other side, we have the atheistic existentialists who view the external cosmos as real and believe that the only way to arrive at meaning that is relevant to an individual is through a subjective experience.
The two worldviews that are the most influential today in explaining origins are montheism and deism. Both of these worldviews hold to the idea of God, or some type of creator. Apart from God, there can be no explanation for the origins of the world.
Monotheism which is the worldview held by the major three religions being Christianity, Judaism and Islam. This worldview is far and away the most common when adding all three religions together.
Naturalism is a commonly held world view today with evolution and the big bang theory being prevalent across society.
Monotheism – Christian, Jews, Muslims
Existentialism – define who and what we are ourselves.
Monotheism and Naturalism would seem to be the most influential. Monotheism would be the most influential due to the large number of Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the world today. Naturalism and the scientific method are the second most influential.
Monothesim and Nithliism are two worldviews that are most influential today because these worldviews are like reality.
I would say that Naturalism and Existentialism are the most influential worldviews in American culture today. They stand in stark contrast to the Christian worldview that was at one time the majority worldview in America. I say this because Naturalism is the most common worldview taught in contemporary school classrooms. Most people have a default view that humans evolved from apes. Existentialism takes over by leading people to believe that they must discover their true selves and make their own significance.
Monotheism and naturalism. They both have the largest reach.
Naturalism – big bang theory
Monotheism – sovereign creator
I hear these to discussed a lot. Heard a pastor a few weeks ago talk about God created the heavens and the earth, and the big bang theory explains how it was done.
I think we live in a time where people want everything explained and some things just need to be faith based.,
Monotheism – based on Biblical teachings (or non-biblical), these people have a faith in the teaching they believe.
Naturalism – science. People have been lured into believing this as they deny God and this is taught in our schools. It’s an easy alternative to believe in when you don’t want to accept God almighty.
Monotheism- each religion has its own origin story that makes sense, and Naturalism- shows how the origin could have come to be through scientific reasoning and theory
Monotheism and Naturalism are, I believe, the most influential today. Christianity and Muslim faith make up over half the world. While Pantheism is growing ramped, Naturalists seem to be very dominant because they are usually great minds that articulate well which often appease and draw other intellectual young thinkers.
I believe that the monotheism and naturalism are the most influential today. The three different religions that are monotheist have a huge number of believers that are spreading their beliefs everywhere. I believe the naturalist view is very influential because of all the scientific advancements that have been made over the last few centuries.
I would say that the most influential is between monotheism and naturalism. There are still many who profess to be Christians in the west and there are many Muslims in the world as well. Both are monotheists. The most competitive worldview to monotheism (in my opinion) is naturalism due to its supposed scientific theories and “facts”. Many westerners want to be thought of as smart and to “follow the science”.
Monotheistic and Deism. Monotheistic points to one God who is the creator of all things. God’s word gives us facts and truths that will never change. Many people relate to Deism because they want to take God out of the equation. They acknowledge he made everything but that he is not involved in any of our human affairs.
Monotheism and naturalist. Monotheist believe we were created from God and naturalist believe that we have evolved into what humans are today.
Monotheism and Naturalism. while many believe that we are created by God many still have the impression that everything was just an accident.
I think it is monotheism and existentialism. I believe there are many who believe we were created by God for purpose and then the others are all trying to “live their truth.”
Naturalism and monotheism. I think of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution trying to point to our human existence as evolved from other species compared to the argument of creation by God.
Monotheism and naturalism have been the most influential for a number of years…the argument of creation vs. evolution.
I think monotheism still takes up a strong case for being the primary worldview that holds the most influence over origin for us. However, I think there are arguments to be made the Nihilism and Pantheism are both rapidly growing in popularity among today’s youth. Both jockeying for a strong secondary influence on helping explaining origin. If we look out into our culture, we can see several threads of skepticism and doubt, along also with a fair share of openness to things in the more ‘spiritual’ realm.
Monotheism and Naturalism is the most prominent argument – Creation vs Evolution
Monotheism and naturalism. The idea is creation vs evolution.
I would say that Deism and Naturalism would be the most influential today in explaining origins. These are widely accepted and taught in our classrooms and universities and even referred to in movies and other forms of media.
Monotheism and Deism – both believe in a creator God as the origin.
Monotheism & Naturalism- Most believe either we are created by God or evolved from the ocean.
Monotheism and Naturalism. They are the most widely debated in school settings in the U.S. today due to the debate about whether or not to teach Evolution.
I would say existentialism has grown substantially in influence today because people want to define their own purpose and world, their own life. But I believe that monotheism is still influential today because of the lasting, concrete, and eternal components that give hope and life to the individual.
Deism and naturalism seem like they are the most influential in our culture. From the original american culture, they have always believed in a higher power, but not what it may be able to do in their lives.
I’d say that in the west, Naturalism and Existentialism are very influential and opposing to the monotheistic/deistic view of origins which is also still very influential. I think this is true largely in part to secular universities pushing this.
I would say Monotheism is first and the either Naturalism or Pantheism.
In the United States, it would be Monotheism and existentialism. Existentialism is the “define my own truth” mentality that really came from the Enlightenment.
In the rest of the world would be Monotheism (Islam, Christianity, and Judaism) and Pantheism (Hindu, Buddhism, and some New Ageism).
I would say Naturalism is the most popular with expanse of Scientific knowledge and research.
The two most influential worldviews are Monotheism and Pantheism. Monotheistic faiths comprising Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have the most followers, whereas Pantheistic faiths, made up of Hinduism and Buddhism, are the second-largest faith in this world.
Though the evolution theory, as propounded by the Naturalist, is a famous theory, they are accepted in western countries only.
Monotheism and Naturalism
creation vs evolution
No question Monotheism and Naturalism are the two most influential worldviews when it comes to origins in our world today. It is the basic debate between Creation and Evolution.
Creation from monotheistic and evolutionary from naturalist. These are the most prevalent in American society. They both answer where I came from unlike the existentialist, who just say it is irrelevant.