Tagged: CH510-11
E. N. Bell was a very prominent early leader. He called for a special meeting of church officials in Little Rock, Arkansas, to “combat the new heresy.” Bell’s attitude suffered a rapid reversal at the third Interstate Encampment of the Assemblies of God from July 23 to August 1 in Jackson, Tennessee. Bell shocked the congregation by announcing his desire to be rebaptized. Three of the five signers of the call for the first general counsel at Hot Springs, Arkansas, defected to the Oneness side: Bell, Goss, and Operman. It was cataclysmic for this embryonic organization. Later, E. N. Bell recanted of his Oneness error, stating, “I believe that every honest soul who has done this will one day regret his steps.” So Bell reversed himself and came back into the Assemblies of God as a Trinitarian.