Reply To: In this lesson we learned that Jesus communicated truth through miracles and parables. Give an example of each.

Home Forums Discussion Forum In this lesson we learned that Jesus communicated truth through miracles and parables. Give an example of each. Reply To: In this lesson we learned that Jesus communicated truth through miracles and parables. Give an example of each.


The miracle of healing the paralytic at the pool in Mark 2:1-12 where Jesus first told the paralytic that his sins were forgiven and when the scribes questioned in their minds about Jesus speaking blasphemies and who could forgive sins but God. Jesus knew what they were thinking so He asked them whether it was easier to forgive him of his sins or to take up thy bed and walk. He then told them so that they would know that the Son has the power to forgive sins he healed the paralytic.
The parable of the Sower in Luke 8:4-18. Here Jesus compares how seeds (God’s word) falls on different types of ground (believers) and how what happens to that seed (belief).