So how was it reciting your first memory verse? I want to encourage you to be faithful in memorizing these verses - for many folks, memorizing them is one of the highlights of the study.
As we’ve already seen, it’s clear that God wants to use money to draw us closer to him. How we handle money impacts our relationship with the Lord - it can either draw us closer to Him or it can pull us apart.
Now let’s see what’s in store for the next lesson :
The next lesson addresses God’s Part & Our Part. Now, at first it may seem as if God does everything, but that’s just not the case. The Lord has given us specific responsibilities to fulfill and we’ll be studying those responsibilities for the rest of the study!
Along with continuing the 30-Day Diary, we will be downloading and completing The Deed to help us recognize God’s ownership. Now, it’s not legally binding, but it’s important to have a time where we transfer all we have to the Lord.
As you are completing the Deed, you may find that you don’t have a ton of possessions. I would encourage you to think not only of possessions with monetary value but also things that might have emotional value as well. These may not be worth a lot financially- but they are important to you - and to the Lord.