Why are so many areas of our lives such a mess? What lies beneath the confusion, despair, and emptiness that so many of us experience? In this second course in the four-course SoulCare series, Dr. Larry Crabb offers a biblical understanding of what’s going on beneath the surface of our lives that results in the confusion, despair, and emptiness that so many of us experience. Does Christianity guarantee a better life? Can we really experience more satisfying soul-connection with God and with others? These are among the many questions Dr. Crabb will explore in this second ten-lesson course, which was designed to develop a deeper understanding of people and the problems we all experience
- Develop a deeper understanding of people and the problems experienced by all.
- Reach a biblical understanding of what’s going on beneath the surface of personal lives that may result in feelings of confusion, despair, and emptiness.
- Learn to think biblically about the nature of the journey.
I wish every Christian would study this course.
The more I learn about Soul Care, the more I can see where I fall short . God is speaking to me and my own brokenness to get me to not rush through life issues in this fast paced generation that wants instant fix.
The course has definitely helped me be aware of things about myself and those I may want to provide soul care for. I will approach the whole idea of soul care more humbly and dependent on the Spirit. I do believe the idea of listening with genuine curiosity and having a vision beyond "fixing" the current journeying reality are important keys to approaching Soul Care.
A lot to digest but provoking in thought on what a mess my own life has been.
I love being taught by Dr. Crabb and am so grateful to have divinely discovered these courses. Though I have never personally met Dr. Crabb, I consider him and Dr. Dan Allender to be mentors of mine. I have been learning and using their wisdom and knowledge with others for at least 20 years.
I have enjoyed this very much
It helped me return to things we so easily forget.
I am definitely more equipped and eager to be a soul carer in the strength of the Spirit, thereby bringing people into a closer relationship with the Lord.
I enjoyed this course because the perspective it took in giving information.
This course has provided language for me, for my own journeying reality, as well as for those I love. It has given me a greater understanding of what it means to live as a loved image-bearer who has been given capacities...but those capacities have been corrupted. There is hope in the midst of the corruption because the Spirit of God is working to make all things new... and the NEW is coming. Thank you to all who have made it possible to continue learning from Dr. Crabb.
Great information and convicting. I so appreciate the emphasis on vulnerability and authenticity required to relate well to God and others.
Once again, I truly appreciate Dr. Crabb's development of ideas. He always start with reviewing and then builds on those ideas. The relevancy of the material is so powerful. Concepts are coming together so well for me. I have finally gotten over my desire for a technique to follow and am understanding how this allows for the movement of the Spirit in my life as I tag along with the Spirit into another's.
Once again Dr. Crabb took me just slightly deeper into how to relate to others in various stages of life. Very good.
Dr. Crabb provides a unique understanding of the implications of our identity as image bearers of God and our need to relate well sorely need by the Church today.
This course has been helpful in understanding what goes on inside people.
I feel like many question marks in my mind about life have been removed!
Having been through SSD and The Next Step with Dr. Crabb I still found this course very helpful. I also think the set up of Our Daily Bread University is excellent.
Dr. Crabb brings enlightenment through the work of The Holy Spirit's wisdom in helping believers to help others with love.
This was excellent. I love the concept of desiring God first, making Him and a relationship with Him my first and greatest desire. The truths learned are not only vital in sharing with others but in my own life in living out a full and satisfying life in Christ.
An excellent course. I learned a lot of new things about people. It helped me understand a lot more about human nature and what soul care is all about. The course also made me see that we all need soul care. Thank you, Dr. Crabb, for sharing your knowledge.
Very helpful in finding language to describe spiritual processes.
Very challenging information. Enjoyed it and learned a lot.
Quite interesting and information is easy to apply. Taught extremely well.
This was a very good class. I have truly enjoyed it. Thanks for the privilege to experience the ways of God's Spirit moving in us.
I really appreciate Dr. Crabb's teaching. I learned so much, thank you!
This course has not only helped me to be better relationally with others but has revealed much about my own "problems" and misguided goals to myself as well.
Dr. Crabb makes the complex simple by telling stories and putting SoulCare skills in a manageable, practical format that becomes useful immediately following the learning of it. Great course. Cannot wait to begin the next section.
Loved every minute of it.
I am really pleased with the course, and am looking forward to the next module.
The courses were a great learning experience.
I am so excited that I found this course; it is helping me to understand quite a bit more on how I should be thinking, feeling and talking with a person when they come to me with struggles.
I do find the work challenging, but I am appreciating the deeper look inside myself. I have more clarity on some of the challenges of my life which is helpful. I have affirmation that I was heading in the right direction on other parts of my life. Excellent!
I have really enjoyed the course so far. It is inspiring and interesting.
It allowed me to understand my own life a lot better of the things I've been through and still are facing.
Completely changed the way I view helping others.
Great course
The course was very enlightening of how we are to be accessible to others so that we may provide SoulCare.
It is continuously opening my understanding on what SoulCare is.
This course is definitely eye opening and has shifted the trajectory of my thinking to ALWAYS REMEBER, to focus on the MUCH BIGGER issue that is present in someone's life. Excellent and relevant teaching that should be put into practice by all Believers!
The class was informative and provided increased knowledge when providing SoulCare. I has helped me to understand my feelings as well as how to address others with the problems they present.
This course is very challenging spiritually. I am glad it is pushing me forward towards God.
Very helpful content
I have to say SoulCare is one of the best courses I've studied involving counseling. I find the teaching refreshing because it's sole purpose is to make God the focus/center of the counseling you provide. It removes the "how do I fix this" aspect out of it, freeing you from taking on that burden. The answers come from the Ruach HaKodesh/Holy Spirit, from God, not from your own understandings - a contrast to what is typically taught in secular counseling.
I have to say SoulCare is one of the best courses I've studied involving counseling. I find the teaching refreshing because it's sole purpose is to make God the focus/center of the counseling you provide. It removes the "how do I fix this" aspect out of it, freeing you from taking on that burden. The answers come from the Ruach HaKodesh/Holy Spirit, from God, not from your own understandings - a contrast to what is typically taught in secular counseling.
I have to say SoulCare is one of the best courses I've studied involving counseling. I find the teaching refreshing because it's sole purpose is to make God the focus/center of the counseling you provide. It removes the "how do I fix this" aspect out of it, freeing you from taking on that burden. The answers come from the Ruach HaKodesh/Holy Spirit, from God, not from your own understandings - a contrast to what is typically taught in secular counseling.
I have to say SoulCare is one of the best courses I've studied involving counseling. I find the teaching refreshing because it's sole purpose is to make God the focus/center of the counseling you provide. It removes the "how do I fix this" aspect out of it, freeing you from taking on that burden. The answers come from the Ruach HaKodesh/Holy Spirit, from God, not from your own understandings - a contrast to what is typically taught in secular counseling.
I have found this course very enlightening and I believe it has already helped how I view and act on helping others.
This class has challenged me in a way that I have not been challenged before. It has helped to realize the importance of examining my self before trying to help others and help me to see why my ways have not been effective. Thank you Dr. Crabb for the insight of understanding my problems and the problems of others.