SoulCare Foundations III: Provisions And Practices

Welcome to SoulCare Foundations III: Provisions and Practices.

Welcome to SoulCare Foundations III: Provisions and Practices. In this third course in the four-course SoulCare series, Dr. Larry Crabb probes the provisions of the New Covenant that, when understood, will empower, enable, and liberate the SoulCarer to move into the life of another and make a difference. This course offers practical help on applying the New Covenant to change lives and relationships for the better.

  1. Discover and understand the provisions of the New Covenant.
  2. Be empowered, enabled, and liberated to move into the life of another and make a difference.
  3. Understand the supernatural provisions that the Holy Spirit has made available that can help individuals engage in meaningful and effective SoulCare.
  • I would like to go back and spend more time on the journal questions. I believe it is beneficial to personalize this teaching through the application of journal questions.

    — Jamie
  • A lot to digest but worthwhile. I’m excited to begin using some of what I learned in my conversations.

    — Philip
  • Appreciated the discussion questions and the soul-searching it required to answer them.

    — Anna
  • Eccellente

    — Giovanni
  • I really learned a lot about soul care, and the material was very easy to understand and made the learning fun, the videos were very helpful also. I would really recommend to anyone who is interested in learning more about the journey of Soul Care, to take these online courses.

    — MARIE G.
  • This has been a powerful course.

    — Chantra
  • It feels like that I am receiving SoulCare, and that's not a negative experience.

    — Solus
  • Dr. Crabb's teaching, spiritual insights, and lived experience are invaluable treasures!!!

    — Marc
  • This is an awesome course about spiritual care. Dr Crabb's teaching are stunning and challenging. This course is providing a way to seek more from God and His Spirit.

    — Gildas
  • Both Dr. Crabb and the setup of this course by Daily Bread University are excellent. The material is challenging but understandable and the presentation is fantastic. Very, very well done on all accounts.

    — Coleman
  • The information presented in this course was very enlightening and thought provoking and exciting.

    — Angeley
  • I have thoroughly enjoyed this course. It brought everything I learned in the first two courses into context for me. I look forward to course #4.

    — Kim
  • Love these courses. Much to ponder.

    — Donald
  • Slowly, precept upon precept, I see God building within me a greater capacity to encourage, to refresh, and truly touch the souls of others. All the concepts are marinating in my heart and mind and soul so I might truly love God and love others as I was created to do.

    — Joanna
  • This course had a lot of information but it was helpful. I also really enjoyed the review of previous material and recapping those major points from previous courses to give a more complete picture of SoulCare.

    — Valeria
  • I found this course practical and enriching.

    — Norman
  • Another great course! I'm thankful for the setup - lecture, quiz, discussion questions. This keeps me engaged and taking notes.

    — Jason
  • Very well done! Lots of ideas for me to use.

    — Karin
  • I've enjoyed Courses 1, 2 and 3 and have been able to incorporate the principles into my counseling efforts.

    — Ray
  • Learning a lot!

    — Joyce
  • Great course. Packed full of insight.

    — Denise
  • I have been enjoying the course and look forward to the next section!

    — Joseph
  • Good course. Need a lot of thinking in order to understand.

    — David
  • The lessons were very helpful to me, and helped me see many areas where I need to improve.

    — Joan
  • This was another great experience. I know I have grown since I started this third module!

    — Vernaline
  • This entire course is so very good and informative.

    — Regina
  • This course has overwhelmed my mind in better understanding my daughter and myself. I found this course very indepth and at times to understand. I wish I would have had a opportunity to ask a question to Dr Crabb. I've learned a lot and as a result I believe that God has instilled in me humility and I have become less judgmental.

    — Evon
  • Continuous Growth with Each SoulCare level....

    — Sebrina
  • Great course!

    — Maricia
  • Very informative

    — Naomi
  • This course is very detailed and offers us a dynamic look into the need and purpose of bringing others and ourselves, into a deeper relationship with God. It is very informative and has transformed my outlook and thinking.

    — Genesis
  • Enjoyed this course overall, very informative and spiritually changing while learning.

    — Cassanya
  • I found this course to be more difficult than the last; however, there were several tools given during this course that helped me to understand how I can give, and how I can receive SoulCare. I am also more aware of when I am having a breakthrough, and I am giving SoulCare.

    — Jacquelyn
  • SoulCare has been very helpful to me to understand my relationship with God and how to share it with others.

    — Reda
  • I found the course was easy once i was able to focus and but aside my daily work.

    — Brenda
  • I truly enjoyed the personal touch of the teacher to help us understand the information better.

    — Jacqueline
  • Soul Care is easy when you truly have a heart to please God. These lesson are like directions to achieve God's Purpose.

    — Gary
  • There is so much information, I really do enjoy the content, the lectures, the lecturer. Would like to find more time to understand what I am consuming so that I do better on the exams versus thinking subjectively.

    — Darlene
  • Thank you Dr. Crabb for this teaching. God bless you and will continue to shed light to people to become effective soulcare providers.

    — Diana
  • Excellent course.

    — Ning
  • Dr. Crabb is a very good teacher as it relates to SoulCare.

    — Pamela
  • I enjoyed the course very much! I feel much more aware of what is needed to do SoulCare well. These courses, combined with attending the week-long sessions in Colorado and North Carolina, have been life-changing for me. Thank you, Dr. Crabb, for making this available. I look forward to the journey ahead with providing SoulCare to those around me for the sake of Christ. It scares me to death, but according to you, that's a good thing. :) Thank you for what you have released of Christ in you for the sake of others.

    — Sandy
  • Informational and interesting!

    — Virginia
  • I feel that I am learning how to more effectively relate to people and minister to people. I think the Soul Care series should be a mandatory class for anyone entering into leadership positions and they should be tested on the effectiveness of the information they have studied in this series. Great class...

    — Zelda
  • This course was particularly helpful for the types of soulcare conversations I'm involved with now.

    — Rick
  • Great material and practical lessons!

    — Ray
  • This course went deeper into differentiating between a typical counsellor and Soul Care - I greatly appreciated Dr. Crabb's examples and practical case studies. My spirit is excited to be part of the type of relationships that invite open vulnerability and safety and trust with another. Thank you, Dr. Crabb, for your straight-forward approach and teaching style!

    — Wynne
  • The course content is challenging me [and] changing me. Thank you, Dr. Crabb!

    — Annabelle
  • Thank you so much. Actually this course makes me desire God more than anything/one else.

    — Susan
  • I have to say SoulCare is one of the best courses I've studied involving counseling. I find the teaching refreshing because it's sole purpose is to make God the focus/center of the counseling you provide. It removes the "how do I fix this" aspect out of it, freeing you from taking on that burden. The answers come from the Ruach HaKodesh/Holy Spirit, from God, not from your own understandings - a contrast to what is typically taught in secular counseling.

    — Jason

    I have to say SoulCare is one of the best courses I've studied involving counseling. I find the teaching refreshing because it's sole purpose is to make God the focus/center of the counseling you provide. It removes the "how do I fix this" aspect out of it, freeing you from taking on that burden. The answers come from the Ruach HaKodesh/Holy Spirit, from God, not from your own understandings - a contrast to what is typically taught in secular counseling.

    — Jason

    I have to say SoulCare is one of the best courses I've studied involving counseling. I find the teaching refreshing because it's sole purpose is to make God the focus/center of the counseling you provide. It removes the "how do I fix this" aspect out of it, freeing you from taking on that burden. The answers come from the Ruach HaKodesh/Holy Spirit, from God, not from your own understandings - a contrast to what is typically taught in secular counseling.

    — Jason

    I have to say SoulCare is one of the best courses I've studied involving counseling. I find the teaching refreshing because it's sole purpose is to make God the focus/center of the counseling you provide. It removes the "how do I fix this" aspect out of it, freeing you from taking on that burden. The answers come from the Ruach HaKodesh/Holy Spirit, from God, not from your own understandings - a contrast to what is typically taught in secular counseling.

    — Jason

Course Content

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Lesson One
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Lesson Two
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Lesson Three
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Lesson Four
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Lesson Five
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Lesson Six
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Lesson Seven
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Lesson Eight
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Lesson Nine
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Lesson Ten
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Course Wrap-Up
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0% Complete 0/2 Steps
Leader Level
Lifetime Access | ₹499

Course Details

  • Medium Effort
  • 10 Lessons
  • 27 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

Larry J. Crabb, PhD (1944-2021)