Lesson One
Lesson Two
Lesson Three
Lesson Four
Lesson Five
Lesson Six
Lesson Seven
Lesson Eight
Lesson Nine
Lesson Ten
Lesson Eleven
Lesson Twelve
Lesson Thirteen
Lesson Fourteen
Lesson Fifteen
Lesson Sixteen
Lesson Seventeen
Lesson Eighteen
Lesson Nineteen
Lesson Twenty
Course Wrap-Up
Course Completion
1 Activity | 1 Assessment

Overview and Objectives

Lesson Overview

Is preaching still important today, or is it a dying art? Over the past several decades an increasing number of people (including pastors) have questioned the value of preaching for the Christian life. In this lesson, Dr. Stott begins with a three-part examination of the argument about preaching. An “unrepentant believer” in preaching, Dr. Stott offers his introductory thoughts on the topic and introduces listeners to perhaps the most significant challenge to preaching—represented by Marshall McLuhan. According to McLuhan, preaching, lecturing, and writing are forms of communication that are inherently flawed. They detach the speaker/writer from the listener/reader and promote individualism—accusations of great concern to preachers.

Lesson Objectives

When you complete this lesson, you should be able to do the following:

  • Present a introductory arguments for the importance of preaching.
  • Summarize Marshall McLuhan’s view of the Cybernetic Revolution and why it presents significant objection to preaching.
  • Explore Marshall McLuhan’s influence over present-day thinking about methods of communication in today’s culture.
  • Give a biblically based response to the first of McLuhan’s arguments.
  • Value preaching as indispensable for the Church.
Personal Reflection

As you proceed through this lesson have the following question in mind.
From your perspective, what is "preaching" and what is its purpose? How important is it for the Church? Does it have any inherent strengths or weaknesses?

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