Lesson One
Lesson Two
Lesson Three
Lesson Four
Course Wrap-Up
Course Completion
1 Activity | 1 Assessment

Overview and Objectives

Lesson Overview

Jesus’ final commission, in Acts 1:8, to His disciples, was to spread His gospel to Jerusalem, to Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. In this lesson you will survey Acts 1-12 where Luke explains and illustrates the Church’s explosion into Jerusalem and then its expansion to Judea and the rest of Palestine.

Lesson Objectives

When you complete this lesson, you should be able to do the following:

  • Discuss the date, authorship, audience, purpose, and structure of Acts.
  • Discuss the world-changing events of Pentecost.
  • Explain the relationship between Luke’s gospel and Acts.
  • Identify the theme of Acts and explain how it serves as an outline for the book.
  • Describe God’s process of spreading the Gospel throughout Jerusalem, Judea, and the surrounding regions.
  • Grow in your appreciation for the tremendous heritage of the Christian Church.
Personal Reflection

As you proceed through this lesson have the following question in mind.
Read Acts 2:42-47; 4:32-37; 6:1-7. What ideals and practical challenges can be drawn from these passages for the church today?

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