Divine Encounters: Mapping Your Spiritual Life

Lifetime Access | 699.00

Level: IntermediateNumber of Lessons: 5Avg. Length: 18 Min.Time Required: 4 Hours MinimumCourse Code: SF212
Reviews (7)

Welcome to Divine Encounters: Mapping Your Spiritual Life, a course designed to prepare you spiritually and emotionally as you begin your biblical and theological studies. You have a desire to know more about the Bible and to develop your relationship with God. Sometimes forward movement can occur most effectively after a backward look.


  1. Recognize specific ways in which God has been involved in your life and experiences.
  2. Identify ways in which God motivates through divine promises.
  3. Define perfection in the context of spiritual formation.
  4. Create a life map recounting significant relationships, events, and influences in your life from early childhood to the present.
  5. Develop a healthy relationship with a mentor who will walk with you in your ongoing spiritual journey.
  6. Articulate the concept of spiritual formation and state its ultimate goal.
John Worgul, PhD
  • The Dropsie College, PhD
  • Westminster Theological Seminary, MAR
  • Bethel University, BA

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