Ten Reasons to Believe in Christ Rather than Religion

We live in an extremely religious world—a world that can be very confusing, even bewildering.

We live in an extremely religious world—a world that can be very confusing, even bewildering. Is it enough to say that all beliefs are of equal value as long as you are sincere? Is there spiritual security in being a “religious” person? Or, is there a better way . . . a way that offers certainty and hope? In this study, you will have the opportunity to consider “Ten Reasons to Believe in Christ Rather Than Religion” and see the evidence for Jesus as Savior. Decide for yourself if you will choose to trust in Christ or in religion.

Legacy Collection
This course is part of a collection of courses taught by world-class evangelical professors from across the globe on a variety of topics. The lessons are presented on an intermediate to college or seminary level and provide a wealth of information for those who want to dig deeper into their faith. Select courses in the collection are from the Institute of Theological Studies (ITS), which was acquired by Our Daily Bread University.

  1. To introduce students to the basic fundamentals of the Christian faith.
  2. To provide scholarly and historical evidence for the validity of Christianity.
  3. To encourage logical thinking in evaluating the authenticity of the teachings of Jesus and of the Bible.
  • I have been enriched with the contents of this course

    — Mela
  • I appreciate that your theology is the real deal- thank you for leading me in Godly wisdom.

    — Leslie
  • I recommend this course more to the fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who are saved through Christ, but also to some who are just too comfortable in their knowledge of Christ and fall in and out of secularism, forgetting to have heart to heart relationships with Him.

    — Masayoshi
  • This is a good course for those unsure about Christianity or those who want to learn more about the basics of salvation. I was encouraged by many of the readings and reaffirmed in areas where I was unsure or had some doubts. Thank you!

    — Brian
  • I gained a great deal from this course.

    — Karin
  • Thought provoking.

    — Jessica
  • That was an awesome course! It really helped to understand the elements of my faith, tools to help me bring someone to Christ: I feel more confident now to answer questions. Enriching course. I never understood religion that way and its danger.

    — Ghislaine

Course Content

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Lesson One
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Lesson Two
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Lesson Three
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Lesson Four
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Lesson Five
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Lesson Six
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Lesson Seven
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Lesson Eight
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Lesson Nine
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Lesson Ten
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Course Wrap-Up
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Seeker Level
Lifetime Access | ₹499

Course Details

  • Medium Effort
  • 10 Lessons
  • 5 Min Average Lecture
  • Course Award

Our Daily Bread University