Lifetime Access | ₹699.00
This course will examine common characteristics of offenders, the specialized approaches to ministering within a correctional facility, and the Biblical corollaries for transformation as they pertain to offenders. Special attention will be given to the psycho-sociological factors that contribute to criminality, as well as to ways institutional conditions damage family structures, add to the pains of incarceration, and impair successful reentry. Students will examine possible solutions for overcoming these deficits and helping inmates prepare for returning to their communities.
- Exhibit a passion for those who are spiritually lost and for discipleship.
- Identify personal spiritual gifts and strengths.
- Describe the biblical basis for ministry within the justice system and the historic roots of the Church’s efforts in American corrections.
- Define the mission and goals of the various correctional agencies and identify ways to effectively engage in ministry efforts within those settings.
- Identify evidence-based practices used in corrections and criminogenic factors.
- Summarize restorative justice principles and contrast them with current processes within the criminal justice system.
- Identify the crucial junctures at which inmates and their families are most open to ministry and understand which specific ministry strategies are most appropriate for those points of contact.
- Northern Illinois University, EdD
- Western Michigan University, MA
- Calvin College, BS
- Cornerstone University, BA
I learned how to better care for people. Thank you.
Carrie, United States (US)This course has been a tremendous blessing to myself and to those that I minster to.
Anonymous, United States (US)The knowledge gained is priceless!
Anonymous, United States (US)I believe that this course has better equipped me to serve in ministry of ALL kinds.
Anonymous, United States (US)I was able to immediately apply what I learned to my life and ministry work.
Anonymous, United States (US)For me, the MI training was so beneficial. I believe that this technique will help me to understand and be able to accommodate the needs of the ladies that I serve.
Anonymous, United States (US)A very informative course. I like the direct ministry focus.
Anonymous, United States (US)It is a Christian course and truly is Bible centered. It teaches practical ways to minister to inmates and their families.
Anonymous, United States (US)Easy to navigate coursework; equips us for Christian ministry.
Anonymous, United States (US)I was able to implement the material I learned right away in the ministries I am involved in. I have even used MI [Motivational Interviewing] at work with the 30 guys that work for me.
Anonymous, United States (US)