Level: AdvancedNumber of Lessons: 4Avg. Length: 59 Min.Time Required: 8 Hours MinimumCEUs: 1Course Code: OT331
This course provides an analysis of Genesis 1-11, looking at the background, the literary structure, the original meaning, the theological purpose, and modern applications. Why did Moses choose to tell the history of the Creation, the Fall, the Great Flood, and the Tower of Babel in the way that he did?
This course is provided by Third Millennium Ministries (thirdmill.org)
- Become more interested in studying Genesis 1-11 and in applying its teachings to his/her life.
- Understand key information regarding the background, purpose, literary structure, original meaning, and modern application of Genesis 1-11.
- Apply the teachings of Genesis 1-11 to his/her own life and use these teachings to evaluate contemporary expressions of thought.
Richard L. Pratt, Jr., ThD
- Harvard University, ThD
- Union Theological Seminary, MDiv
- Roanoke College with advanced studies at Westminster Theological Seminary, BA
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Course Content
Lesson One
Lesson Two
Lesson Three
Lesson Four
Course Wrap-Up