Explain the difference between metachurch and mega church.

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    • #95321953

      I do believe even the early Church of the NT was a Mega Church in the form of a Meta Church that was broken into many groups and had discipleship, outreach, and evangelism integrated into all. The Church grew daily in number and focused more on winning people for the gospel and making disciples with a purpose and a cause. It was more than what we see now and by default fall into prey to the organization rather than an organism. I would put it in the way of saying, there would be no megachurch without a Meta Church. The Meta Church is the Roots of a tree and the Mega Church is the manifestation of fruits the Meta Church

    • #95317250

      A Mega Church is a large church of a few thousands that attend the services that make millions of dollars. They are usually money-making machines that appear to promote Christianity. A Meta church is a smaller size church

    • #95312764

      A Megachurch is a church, by standard definition, of a church with Sunday attendance of 2000 or more. What’s implied is that while people may attend, they may not be connected and may not be getting personal and transformational ministry. A Meta-church stresses the importance of small groups, discipleship training, and heavy emphasis on sharing. A Meta-church may be large but it keeps the church “small enough” for transformational ministry.

    • #95308483
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