Stephen Um, PhD
- St. Mary’s College (University of St. Andrews) in Scotland, PhD
- Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, MDiv and ThM
- Phillips Academy at Andover, MA
- Boston University, BA
Teaching Career
- Lecturer in New Testament Studies, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
- Visiting faculty in Practical Theology and New Testament at Covenant Theological Seminary
- Adjunct faculty, Emerson College
- Visiting faculty, Global Leadership Development Institute
- Visiting faculty, Redeemer Global Church Planting Center in China
Other Career Highlights
- Senior Minister, Citylife Presbyterian Church of Boston
- Board Member, The Gospel Coalition
- President, Center for Gospel Culture
- Extensive preaching and lecturing experience at numerous colleges (e.g. Harvard, Columbia, MIT, Boston University, Cornell, Rutgers, Cooper Union, UPenn, Yale, Boston College, Wellesley, Tufts, Harvard School of Design, Harvard Medical School, Harvard Law School, Brown, University of Michigan, etc.) and church conferences (over 150)
- Executive Chairman on the Board of Directors of RNC (Reformation Now Conference)
- Ordained in the KAPC-A member of the North American Presbyterian Alliance of Reformed Churches (NAPARC)
- Lead Pastor, Queens Presbyterian English Ministry, NY
- Minister, Providence Presbyterian Campus Church at Brown University, RI
- Director of Youth, First Presbyterian Church of Hartford, CT
- Why Cities Matter, The Kingdom of God (TGC Booklet)
Journal articles include “The Theme of Temple Christology in John’s Gospel” and “Transforming Culture: Church and Culture”