From the protoevangellum in Genesis 3:15, proceeding through the other various Old Testament covenants, God’s people anticipated the coming Messiah. Hundreds of prophecies were spoken, and those longing for God’s kingdom reign waited for the day when their King would establish the throne of David forever. Still, when Jesus, the promised Messiah arrived, He received a mixed reception. Some embraced Him as the Savior of the world, while others rejected Him as a false teacher. But who was right? In this important study, Louis Goldberg takes learners through an in-depth study of Messianic prophecy. He explores the prophecies Jesus has fulfilled and at those which will culminate in His future return.
Legacy CollectionThis course is part of a collection of courses taught by world-class evangelical professors from across the globe on a variety of topics. The lessons are presented on an intermediate to college or seminary level and provide a wealth of information for those who want to dig deeper into their faith. Select courses in the collection are from the Institute of Theological Studies (ITS), which was acquired by Our Daily Bread University.
- Trace the development of Messianic prophecy from its origin in the Old Testament to the period of the 1st century AD.
- Show how Jesus of Nazareth, in His being, life, and work, fulfilled many Messianic prophecies and that He will yet fulfill many of the Old Testament prophecies in the coming prophetic kingdom.
- Indicate Jewish interpretations of Messianic prophecy in various Scripture passages.
- Develop discriminating judgment in exegesis as to what constitutes a legitimate Messianic prophecy and/or typology in the interrelation between the Old and New Testaments.
- Examine some of the national prophecies and typological teaching concerning Israel directly relevant to the ministry of Jesus the Messiah.
- Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Postdoctoral work in Jewish studies
- Grace Theological Seminary, ThD
- Roosevelt University, MA
- Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, BD and ThM
- University of Southern California, BS