Level: IntermediateNumber of Lessons: 3Avg. Length: 20 Min.Time Required: 3 Hours MinimumCEUs: 2Course Code: NT227
Unlike Paul’s epistles, the general epistles were not addressed to a particular city or person. These letters deal more with the broader topics of suffering and the dangers of false teachings and unbelief among Christians. This course, James-Jude: Letters to Everyone – General and Johannine Epistles, covers these epistles.
With a Premium subscription, you will also receive Ray C. Stedman’s teaching commentary related to this section of the Bible. Click here to see a sample chapter.Objectives
- To introduce students to survey information related to the New Testament.
- To help develop critical and practical aptitudes in understanding the Bible.
- To provide scholarly information that will foster a better understanding of the historical and biblical context of the New Testament.
Craig L. Blomberg, PhD
- University of Aberdeen in Scotland, PhD
- Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, MA
- Augustana College, BA
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Course Content
Lesson One
Lesson Two
Lesson Three
Course Wrap-Up