Level: AdvancedNumber of Lessons: 8Avg. Length: 45 Min.Time Required: 12 Hours MinimumCEUs: 1.92Course Code: OT316
This course gives an introductory perspective for the study of the prophets of the Old Testament. It dispels common misunderstandings about the prophets, provides guidelines for interpreting prophecy, and gives the student confidence to begin studying prophetic literature. The course is based on the DVD series by Dr. Richard Pratt, “He Gave Us Prophets.”
This course is provided by Third Millennium Ministries (thirdmill.org)
- Express his/her own thoughts and attitudes regarding the Old Testament prophetical books.
- Understand the key information about the background and purpose of the prophetical books of the Old Testament.
- Apply the teachings of the course to his/her own life.
Richard L. Pratt, Jr., ThD
- Harvard University, ThD
- Union Theological Seminary, MDiv
- Roanoke College with advanced studies at Westminster Theological Seminary, BA
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Course Content
Lesson One
Lesson Two
Lesson Three
Lesson Four
Lesson Five
Lesson Six
Lesson Seven
Lesson Eight
Course Wrap-Up