Tagged: CA101-04
If Jesus had not been raised, our faith is in vain and also we would be called liars and we would stil lbe living in sin.
That our faith will be in vain
We would have no hope, forgiveness of sins, or eternal life.
That they would have been preaching in vain and all aspects of their faith are in vain> . We would not have eternal life and our sins would not be forgiven
The ultimate implication if Jesus did not rise from the dead is that we are without hope.
Then there is no hope for everlasting life with God.
We become a new creation
Our believe in God would be false, and we of all people would be pitied !!!! NO hope !!!
We would still have the full burden of sin to bare with no Grace to forgive us.
If God had not rise Jesus we would be lost no redemption , but Jesus paid the cost for us I’m so grateful that He loved us . Took back the Father’s disappointment in us took or sin an worthless upon himself to down the devil an gave us another chance.
There had to be a price to pay. Plus all the prophecies in the Old Testament would not have been truthful but just a fairy tale, plus Satan would be running amok. Jesus had to die to pay for man kinds sin. He then had to resurrect to defeat death, to enable all the Christian brothers and sisters to see Heaven after death.
If Jesus would not have died for our sins we would have been cursed to hell once we passed away. Second if Jesus did not die for our sins we would have had to prepare an alter and a sacrifice with a burnt offering to please the Lord. Lastly, if Jesus did not die upon the cross evil would run rampant through the Earth with a higher trajectory.
If He did not rise from the dead, then we remain dead in our sins and have wasted our time praying in the name of a High Priest that do not exist.
If He did not rise from the dead, then we are still in our sins, there is no redemption, and our faith is in vain.
The implication is that IF Jesus did not rise from the dead not only is our faith in vain BUT we have absolutely no hope. When we die here on earth we are no more. Then what was the reason for our being and how did we get here. Another implication is that it would mean there are no consequences for anyone’s behavior. We know this is not true because we have a conscience and our conscience tells us that there is a distinct right and wrong. This is why as humans we have reacted laws. We placed value on obeying those laws and impose serious consequences for breaking those laws. The fact that as a society we share the same basic belief in right and wrong proves that there is a higher being who gave us a conscience in the first place.
Paul says that if Jesus did not rise from the dead, our faith is futile, we are still in our sins, and we benefit nothing. On a personal note, if Jesus did not rise from the dead and reconcile me back to God, I’m lost.
There are many implications, “preaching is useless”, “our faith is useless”, “we are false witnesses about God”, “we are still in our sins”, “the dead are lost”.
If Jesus did not rise from the dead, our faith is in vain and we are still in our sin.
If Jesus did not raise from the dead, then our faith in Christ is in vain, and we are still in our sins.
Our believes would be meaningless
Humanity’s sins are not forgiven and eternal life is a pipe dream.
If Jesus did not raise from the tomb, all of the followers were deceived, and everything that was preached was a lie. However, we know through the moral character of the disciples, the witness of many people, and the word of God, that He arose from His tomb.
We are complete fools to keep on believing what we know is not true.
I Jesus was not raised from the dead, then there would be no Christian Faith. The world is wicked enough, I could not imagine living in this world without, hope and faith.
The apostle Paul states that if Jesus did not rise from the dead then what we believe is not true. The prophecy is that the King will die and rise again. Jesus fulfilled this prophecy. Christianity’s foundation is this prophecy being completed. If this prophecy was not completed then what we as Christians know would fall through. We as Christian’s stand strong on the foundation of Jesus dying and resurrecting.
Without Jesus having dying andhaven Risen again propitionation for our sins. There would be no Christian faith and no church.
If Jesus did not rise from the dead then there is no point to the Chistian faith. Everything we believe is based on that fact.
If Christ has not been raised, then the preaching and faith are in in vain by Apostle Paul. I believe resurrection of Jesus Christ is very foundational aspect of our faith in God. Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and He offered eternal life for those who believe in Him. Our salvation is only through Jesus Christ.
He stated that if Christ has not been raised from the dead then our proclamation is in vain and so is your faith. We are False witnesses about God, because we would have testify wrongly, if he was not raised from the dead, also our faith would be worthless and you are still in your sins.
We would be the most pitiful of all people because all of our hope would be misplaced.
Without the resurrection of Christ, if it had been the power of the resurrection, there would be no Christianity, the church, and the multitude of Christians today.
All that Christian believers have believed in would be for naught, and all that we have learned would have been lies.
Christianity is based on Christ’s fulfillment as the Messiah. Without his death and resurrection, he would not be able to fulfill that mission and Christianity would collapse. However, since he did, to wonder otherwise is pointless.
If Christ did not rise from the dead all of our faith and all of our hope in useless, in vain, as stated in Ecclesiastes “all is vanity” or just a vapor, not real. Being a resurrection believer gives me the Hope of an eternity with my Lord. and this is my reality. If this is not so I would be the most miserable person of all.
That we’ve been living a lie and that our entire existence has been by chance. That there is no higher being and that once we die it is truly the end of life.
Like what Paul says in verse 19, “If in Christ we have hope in this life only, we are of all people most to be pitied.” Without Christ rising from the dead we have nothing, no conquering over death, no atonement, no all powerful savior. We have nothing!
Our faith is worthless.
If christ was not raised then Christianity is no different from any other religion. We are still in our sin and unreconciled to God so we’ve no hope.
Then if Christ has not risen, the preaching of the disciples was false. If their message is false we are not justified by Christ as HIs death would have been meaningless without the essential part of being raised from the dead to signify God’s approval of His death for our forgiveness of sin. Our faith is futile and we are still in our sins. All are still lost. We are to be pitied for believing a lie.
Without the resurrection, there’s no hope. Without the resurrection, our faith and preaching is in vain and we are still in our sins without hope.
If Jesus didn’t die on the cross for the remission of my sins and rise again, I wouldn’t be experiencing a life of freedom through faith in the risen Christ. I would have been destined to live my entire life as an alcoholic, drug addict, sex addict, among other strongholds without hope.
If Jesus did not die on the cross then everything we believe is void. How can you believe if something never happened?
That our faith is futile and we are dead in our sins.
If Jesus did not rise from the dead then we are lost. We remain guilty of sin and our faith is meaningless. Most of all, we are not reconciled to God and we die, we too, will not be resurrected.
If Jesus did not rise from the dead according to the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 15 the implications are that we are lost, we have no hope, our believing in Jesus is in vain, and we are most miserable. If no resurrection, salvation from sin would not be possible and we would live eternally separated from God. There would be no possibility of eternal life with Christ in heaven. The earth would be a terrible place to live.
This means all of our teachings are wrong and invalid, and so is our faith.
His ressurection is therefore vital to our faith.
The implications are that his preaching was in vain and our faith was in vain.
Paul said that if Jesus did not rise from the dead that his (Paul’s) preaching doesn’t mean anything and that he would be lying about God. He said our faith wouldn’t mean anything , that our sins were not forgiven and those who have died believing in Jesus are lost.
If Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain.
Paul was stating without the resurrection of Christ our belief and faith is in vain.
Our faith would be no good and we would not have the forgiveness of sin and and eternal life
According to Paul, if Jesus did not rise from the dead then he is preaching in vain and our belief in Jesus is useless.
Christ’s resurrection is important because He died and was raised by the Father so that our sins could be forgiven and we could be reconciled to the Father. Where sin is, God is not. If Christ hadn’t risen, we would have no hope in being resurrected after our death. We have a hope and a promise that we will be raised and live in Heaven forever.
If Jesus didn’t rise from death, then the belief would not be complete. There would be no hope of eternal life and all that we believe and do as Christians would be in vain.
Then we are lost as there is no resurrections and forgiveness of our sins
That if Jesus did not rise neither will we
Whilst if Jesus didn’t rise from the dead and then nullify the concept of Christianity, we still have more to gain than lose.
our faith would be false, we would be lieing about God, we wouldnt have eternal life
Then I would have no hope of a better tomorrow.
The implications tells us that if Jesus did not rise from the grave our hopes and faith are of no accord. It is faith`reality and a living faith.
Then everything that we are hoping for is all in vain.
If, Jesus did not rise from the dead Christianity and our faith would be empty and void. If Christ did rise from the dead all of humanity will have fallen for the greatest hoax to ever befall mankind. If God the Father did not raise Jesus from the the grave that would mean that God is a liar and cannot be trusted. It would mean that heaven and hell do not exist and that life is meaningless. But! Jesus was raised from the dead and He has triumphed over sin and death. How do I know this? Because the very Word of God says so. The Bible is a living breathing document, it is the very breath of God as He spoke to chosen men through inspiration and the moving of the Holy Spirit. The Bible is the only book to ever stand the test of time and many attempts to discredit and even destroy it throughout the ages. As I said, it is God breathed, it is filled with the very words of the one and only true God. Of which cannot lie for God is perfect, the author of truth and since He is the author of truth He cannot lie and what He says just is. There is an old saying that state “God said it, I believe it, that settles it”. But what it should say is “God said it ,that settles it. Period
If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, then the work of salvation is not finished and my hope of eternal life is void. My faith would be empty and my attendance at church would be unnecessary because there would be nothing important to listen to. I would then die in my sins, never knowing the saving grace of a loving Heavenly Father. If there was no resurrection, there would be no hope, no salvation, no loving Father, no Holy Spirit to convict me of my sin. The world would be an empty, lonely place.
The resurrection is central and critical to the Faith we have received from God Himself, because the wages of sin is death and God appeared in the flesh to bring not only Himself but us back to the life He intended for us to have. Paul through the Spirit argues that if there is no resurrection, there was really no point on Him becoming flesh and the “Perfect Sacrifice for our sins”. So we would still be in the Old Testament instead of the “New Covenant of His Blood”, this still waiting for”the Promise”.
If Jesus did not risen from the dead than we as follows of Christ and Christians are doomed to eternal damnation .
If Jesus didn’t rise from the dead, then the very core of our faith is questioned.
The foundation that our physical bodies will die off but our Spirit will continue to live on in heaven is crushed.
According to Paul in 1 Corinthians 15, if Jesus did not rise from the dead our faith is in vain and as such we are found guilty of mispresenting GOD. Finally, we live without the forgiveness of our sins. We still face an eternal life without our GOD. We are all helpless, hopeless and defenseless in this world . Thank you Jesus that I am a believer.
The implications would be that we have no forgiveness for our sins and so no way for eternal life and hope of it. Our destination would be death.
According to the apostle Paul if the Jesus did not rise from the dead our preaching was empty our faith was futile and were still in our sins.
The implication is that we as believers would have no hope in our future and remain apart from God because we would still be in our sinful nature.
According to the apostles Paul if Jesus did not rise from the dead our faith is useless or meaningless or vain, also our preaching of gospel is vain and lastly we are still in sins and our life is miserably when we die.
According to the Apostle Paul, if Jesus did not rise from the dead, all of humankind is still in our sins, without hope, and facing eternal damnation. It also means that the only thing we have to look forward to is this life and all its disappointments and futility now, and eternal misery for all eternity when we die.
If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then I’m still in my sins and my faith is vain. And if only in this life I have hope in Christ then I’m most miserable.
If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then that means that our sins have not been forgiven and are not saved.
If Jesus was not raised from the dead as Paul proclaimed, then he did not truly die for our sins and was not the Son of God. Jesus was sent to us to save us and without Him, we are lost.
True. What’s worse, Jesus would be exposed as a fake, unable to save even Himself. Our accuser, Satan, works overtime to keep people from knowing they have a Savior!
Jesus is the only source of hope. If He did not raise from the dead then there is no hope.
That we are wasting our time believing in something that wasn’t true. If Jesus did not rise from the dead then we should eat, drink and be merry for our faith is in vain and we are still in our sins (not forgiven). But I believe that Jesus did rise from the dead and that He died for our sins and will come again
Amen! Without a risen Christ, we are as Paul says men (and women) most miserable!
Our faith would be in vain, our assumptions about God would be wrong, and we would still be sinners.
If Christ has not been risen from the dead our witness is dead and our faith is dead. If He is not risen then we are still guilty of our sins. If Jesus is not risen from the dead then He died for no reason. If He was not risen from the dead then everything I believe to be true is a lie 🙁
If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then that means that we will not have eternal life either. And, everything we believe to be true is not true. But praise be to God He did rise from the dead and we have that that we too will be with Him in eternity! Hallelujah!
The Apostle Paul is ultimately stating what sense is it for wise men to believe in Jesus if all we are doing is prolonging the inevitable, entering Heaven.
The Apostle Paul is ultimately stating what sense is it for wise men to believe in Jesus if all we are doing is prolonging the inevitable, enter Heaven.
If Christ had not risen from the death then the apostles’ teaching would have been in vain and so is our faith. More than that they would have been the false witness about God and also we are still in our sins and have no hope of escapement.
The implications for us according to Paul in 1 Corinthians 15: If Jesus did not rise from the dead ; is that our faith is useless, we are still in our sin, we have no hope of eternal life, our preaching is empty and those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished.
Faith is useless and fake
If Christ was not raised from the dead in vain is our faith, we are liners, and we proclaim a false gospel. With this said, I am not forgiven and I have no hope of eternal life.