What does Dr. Black mean when she says the Christian school is important in raising a generation that is more than just competent cognitively?

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    • #95331825

      Public schools put their primary focus on test results and how to teach academics based on test results. They spend less time on the innate needs of students and often lack time to truly get to know their students and respective families well. There is a timeline for everything and if a student doesn’t understand, still they have to move on in the lesson and no further explanation or exploration can be done. As Christian educators, we are first educating their heart, mind and soul. We are filling them with the gospel message, living out the gospel in our own lives and as trust grows because we care about the whole child truly (physical, academic, social, emotional and spiritual needs of each student), their hearts and minds become more open and receptive to the way we teach academics. Every subject has biblical truths woven into a lesson. There is not one subject that lacks teaching biblical truths. As we disciple students, they in turn will be able to disciple others here on earth and possibly in heaven.

    • #95322647

      We are teaching them how to live for Jesus and how to be disciples. They can then continue to spread the Good News.

    • #95318079

      She means they will be left to disciple and share the good news with future generations. Additionally their own eternity is at stake.

    • #95314054

      Of course we need to deal with our students on a scholastic level, but what will ultimately prepare them for life is the strength of their moral compass. If we focus on their discipleship and sanctification, that will guide them where they need to go.

    • #95309665

      We are helping raise the next generation of diligent, mindful, and prepared Christians.

    • #95309171

      The Bible tells us that we are to pass on to the next generation stories of God’s love and mercy and what He has done for us. Although knowledge of Math, English, Science, etc. is important, knowing these things becomes vain if they are not used for God’s honor and glory in the life He has called each of us to. Some parents are unable to be home to teach their children the precepts of God. When that is the case, a Christian school provides parents with a place their children can not only learn the skills necessary to lead a successful life by the worlds standards, but also where they can learn how to lead a life in close relationship with the Lord which is what we were ultimately designed for.

    • #95303890

      We are equipping the next generation of leaders who like us are everlasting creatures. They need wisdom as well as nuts-and-bolts of knowledge.

    • #95303291

      We are raising students for eternity, so that they can fulfill God’s calling and purpose in their lives and become the light and salt in this world.

    • #95301523

      Exercising our brain is great, but biblical truth is important.

    • #95290248

      We must pass on biblical teaching.

    • #95289639

      Dr. Black mean that we are raising children to think and compete instead of raising children the values of Scripture and joy .

    • #95289265

      We are called to raise children in Christ and to help them develop maturely in the Word of God.

    • #95286136

      We are raising children that are grounded in the Word, and in a relationship with Christ. This will be their guide throughout their calling in life.

    • #95286049

      That we are raising people that are more than just able to “think.” We have a responsibility to raise up spiritually mature individuals that can sift all information through a Biblical lens.

    • #95285749

      She meant that we must teach more than academic subjects. We must teach students what it is like and what it means to be Christian. Also how to prepare for Christ’s return.

    • #95284116

      Dr. Black means that we cannot just educate students in our subject areas. We cannot just teach them to think and to be articulate. We have to tech the students about the works of the Lord. If students are not familiar with the promise that God has for us, all is lost.

    • #95283726

      We want children to be competent cognitively, but to also use their critical thinking skill and make a difference in this world. Allow students to think for themselves by comparing and contrasting information that they encounter daily. For them to be independent thinkers. This will help them navigate through life’s circumstances.

    • #95282996

      While raising them up to be cognitively competent is important, it is no more important than preparing them for eternity. It is more important that we shepherd their hearts in the right direction, not neglecting academics, but not necessarily prioritizing it over our students’ eternal destination.

    • #95282598

      Dr. Black is emphasizing the importance of raising a generation that is taught from a wholistic perspective. Yes, raising a generation that is competent cognitively is important but that isn’t the only goal of Christian education. Raising them to see who God is and called them to be in this life in light of eternity helps a student have a better grasped of what they are to do in this life.

    • #95281803

      I believe that most Christian schools apply a holistic approach to education which is teaching the whole child–mental, physical, and spiritual.

    • #95281255

      It is more important that we raise a generation that knows and loves the Lord.

    • #95281144

      Dr. Black means that we also need to prepare our students for their callings in life. We need to make sure that they can hear God’s voice and are prepared to follow what he is saying and what he wants for their lives.

    • #95281002

      It is all well and good if our students know the facts, but if they cannot apply them to God’s Word and His plan they will not see success.

    • #95280404

      While Christian school is for the purpose of education and being competent cognitively, it involves so much more than that. We are preparing and educating students for eternity not for just the here and now. We must pass down our faith so they can pass down their faith. God wants us to influence people for his kingdom. I loved how she pointed out that in every discipline of life there are people making a difference. No matter what job our students end up having we want them to be a light for Jesus wherever they are working and serving. That is actually more important than being cognitively competent.

    • #95280379

      Dr. Black means that Christian students need to be prepared to seek God’s calling in their lives. Although we want students to do well in their studies and to get jobs, the ultimate goal is for students to be prepared for eternity with God and to live their lives on earth as God’s children.

    • #95279562

      Students can survive in this world with a secular education. They can be productive members of society and do well financially. However, they will never avoid choices and events that continually change their status quo. When they lose a loved one, when they get let go from a job, when they are trying to navigate a relationship, when they are selecting a church… — will they trust God to help them make sacrifices in the short term?

    • #95278424

      Dr. Black explained that students should be competent cognitively but she also stated that students need to make a difference because of their belief in Jesus Christ. She used the illustration with the Bible and talked about how we need to be close to God and not get off track. She also said as we turn the corner, God will reveal Himself to us if we are walking close to Him.

    • #95278345

      Christian school is not just about teaching students content to make them smarter. It is about preparing them for what God has called them to do here on this Earth and preparing their hearts for eternity.

    • #95277945

      I think she meas that we must help our students learn to share what they are learning about Christ to those around them. What they have learned, they need to know how to apply it to their lives. Just being competent cognitively is not enough. Go out and live out what you learned. Put your education into action and become a fisher of men. Understand your talent, develop your talent, and use your talent to build the kingdom of God.

    • #95277030

      Dr. Black believes it is important for the Christian school to help raise a generation that is not only competent cognitively, but that also recognizes the voice of God and has a developed skill set to fulfill their calling. She says many times children are more likely to listen to God’s calling than adults are because they are open to hear Him. Dr. Black also believes that God has given us a purpose and calling in life and it is important for us as educators to help our students develop skills they believe God is calling them to have.

    • #125809

      We need to teach the students to compare and contrast things to the Bible and use critical thinking. We need to teach them for eternity.

    • #125303

      We are there to teach academics, but we are also preparing them for eternity. We want them to find careers that answer their calling. We want them to hear God’s call and do what they are supposed to be doing here. But we want that to be something that prepares them for eternity.

    • #125225

      We want them to be competent cognitively and be critical thinkers and good decision makers using the knowledge they have gained from their lessons. But we are teaching eternal beings. God wants to use them for His Glory, so we need to equip them with the knowledge of God’s Word, and the Gospel, so they can be born again and fill all career fields with God’s people to share the good news of the Gospel.

    • #111848
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